Sunday, May 4, 2014


Dear One, When you ask someone to do something for you, give you a ride to an event or assist you in an endeavor, if they accept your plea then you always immediately thank the person profusely for his or her willingness to help you. You thank the person because of his or her promise to help you before the action is accomplished. Thanking the person is graciousness on your part in return for the graciousness on the part of the one who has promised to help. When you ask Me for My help in prayer, I always graciously accept the challenge. I said in my Written Word that it is My good pleasure to give you My kingdom. I also said to ask and you will receive. You have My promises written in black and white as well as My personal words to you. So thanking Me is appropriate after you ask because you already have My promise that I will help.
Thanking Me is not only graciousness on your part but it's also your verbal act of faith, speaking your confidence in Me, that I will do what I have promised. When you have the written promise, then you can verbally confirm My promise. For instance, I said that whomsoever calls upon My name will be saved from whatever problem is encountered in life. That is a firm promise which was spoken by My Son Jesus and is written many times in My Instruction Book. So when you bring Me into a troubling situation, having faith that I will do what I have promised to do, then you have My word that I will find a solution to your problem. Thanking Me says that you have immovable faith that I will do what you have asked. Thanking Me also has a spiritual work in that it opens the gateway to your life, allowing Me and My angels, your heavenly support group, to enter the situation and more efficiently perform our miraculous help for you. Thanking Me closes the door on doubt which comes from your spiritual enemy who will try anything to feed doubt and unbelief into your mind so that you will lose confidence in Me. Your continual thankfulness keeps the doors of your life open for My solutions to your problem to enter unencumbered. Continually begging Me for My help is not effective praying because it says to the heavens that you think that I am withholding My help. I answered your prayers when you asked, but there are spiritual and earthly elements which need to be implemented which often takes time in your dimension. That's where patience comes in which is a fruit of My Spirit who lives inside of you. I said with faith and patience you will -- will -- will -- will inherit My promises. Join your faith and patience with thankfulness. That is your statement of faith, saying that you are confident that My solutions are in the works and that they will be manifested when the perfect answer comes together. Continue to pray in the Spirit, walk in the Spirit, and announce your confidence in Me by thanking Me. You will be thrilled with the results. Your Loving Father Matthew 7:7-12; Matthew 5:35-38; Matthew 26:27-28; Luke 12:35; Romans 1:21-22; Romans 4:20-24; II Corinthians 1;21-22; Hebrews 6:12; Philippians 4:6-8; Colossians 4:2.
Photo compliments of my yard this year.                 

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