Friday, May 16, 2014


Dear One, Revelation knowledge is the beginning of walking in My Spirit. It's the beginning of being led by My Spirit. A revelation of My love for you will result in your having a deep desire to perform the commandment of Jesus, that you love others as We love you. It is impossible to love others unconditionally until you know the depth, height, width and length of My love.

 When you are established in the revelation of the vastness of My love for you, only then are you able to walk in the Spirit, because He is always leading you to constantly walk in love. The spiritual description of this process is that My words will become flesh in you. The truth of the revelation of My love will transform your thinking until your entire motivation is to love everyone to the same degree that I love you. Love will have become flesh, changing you into My image. I am love, so you will become love; My words of revelation concerning love will have become flesh, There will be no effort in walking in love. It will be automatic because it will have become flesh. Another revelation that will become flesh, changing your motivation, is the truth that Jesus taught when He told you to bless those who curse you and to do good to those who spitefully use you. That admonition is based upon the seed sowing principle that He also taught. Whatever seeds you sow in the lives of others will determine the seeds that they sow in your life. You have called it boomerang seed sowing and it is exactly that. When Jesus taught on seed sowing He said to do to everyone the same works that you want them to do to you. However, the Holy Spirit will reveal to you the revelation truth behind that admonition, that if you return evil for evil done to you it multiplies the demons who were behind the cruel act done to you, allowing them to further work their destruction in the situation, Evil is multiplied when you return evil for evil. But when you bless those who curse you and do good to them, you are stopping the evil actions in their tracks and changing the situation from evil to good which furthers My kingdom in the earth. So, overcoming evil with good does just that, changes the course of the situation.. When you can bless those who curse you and do good to them, you are furthering My family of love in the earth, which is My desire concerning you. Walking in the Spirit by receiving revelation knowledge relating to everything that Jesus taught and then allowing those revelations to become flesh by changing your thoughts, attitudes and actions will result in your bringing My kingdom to earth just like it is in heaven. Heavenly living will be the result and you will be brights lights in a dark world. Your Loving Father Matthew 16:13-19; Ephesians 1:16-22; Ephesians 3:14-20; Romans 5:5.

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