Friday, November 10, 2017


My Dear Precious Child,
   My promises to you of taking care of you because you are My child are guaranteed, immovable, for sure and for eternity.  I can guarantee them because I am your Heavenly Father, the one who made you and who has set aside for you a valuable inheritance.  What I promised, I will deliver.  That is why it is so important that the things that you ask Me to do for you in answer to your prayers have no interference from you.  I know that children always want to help their parents with chores, but there are things that parents can only do by themselves without interference from their children.  Things that are too complicated and too detailed can only be done by the parent.  If the child insists on helping, often their interference and lack of knowledge will cause the parent to mess up the project, or delay the real product from becoming evident, or often cause the parent to be unable to complete the task. 
   That is exactly what happens when My children pray to Me for a solution to a problem and, when the answer is not immediately manifested, My children who are impatient will forge ahead with their own solutions from their limited knowledge and foul up the whole proper solution that I am diligently working on.  My children had proved their spiritual ineptness or there would not have been the problems which always come from fraternizing with the devil in some way.  What is required in every problem is a spiritual solution, not a solution from the narrow mindedness of human wisdom.  In their efforts to take problems out of My hands and assume responsibility for finding the solution, My children set up demonic barriers to My perfect solutions coming into the lives of My children.  My perfect solution would have freed them from bondage to the burdens placed in their lives by the devil, but the constant interference of My children has added more complications to the original problem.
    The same thing happened when I promised Abraham that Sarai would have a child when she was very old.  When it didn't happen immediately, not soon enough for Sarai or Abraham, Sarai arranged for Abraham to have a child with a slave woman.  Even though I forgave Sarah and Abraham for their interference, their impatience produced a child with the slave woman, both of who would eventually cause many problems to Abraham and his eventual son of promise through Sarai.  Problems in the present and in their future could have been avoided if they had been patient and waited for My promised miracle to happen at My perfect timing.  This is one reason I said not to sow to the flesh or from the flesh My children would reap corruption.   
   Job had a similar problem.  He lived in such fear of Me that he was afraid that his children would sin against Me and so he sacrificed to Me just in case his children did sin, which they did.  (Job 1:1) Job's fear attracted devastation into his own life because of the demon of fear.  In order to find a solution, Job's impatience caused him to listen to his friends for their insight into why he had become cursed in so many areas.  His friends offered advice to him that was far removed from the real reason for his life being so cursed.  Not until I spoke to Job personally did things turn around for Job.  I asked him since  he thought that he was so smart that he could try to figure things out between himself and his friends, that if he was so smart where was he in the beginning when I created all the animals, the earth and the firmament. (Job 1:1-3)  I wanted to remind Job that I didn't need his help in doing My creating.  I did that to show Job that only I have perfect solutions to all of his problems, not other human beings.  His friends had told Job that I was testing him, that I even placed condemnation and guilt on Job, telling him all manner of wrong reasons for his problems.  Job remained loyal to Me.  After Job declared His love and respect for Me and My wisdom, I spoke to Job and took all condemnation and guilt off of Job. (Job 42;1-6)  When Job prayed for his friends I gave to him a new family and his prosperity was restored twice over what he previously had.  (Job 42;8-9 and 12-15)
    Learn a lesson from Job, that being that other humans who don't know Me can only give logical, unwise views on spiritual problems.  I am the only Father who can give to you spiritual solutions to spiritual problems.  I am the only One who can chart wise courses to solve your problems if you will back to Me, pray in the Spirit, walk in love and wait patiently for the answer to your problems. I can't slap your hands when you take the problems back and try to find human solutions. When you back come to Me, however, and consult Me, I will begin again to do My miraculous work in the troublesome situations.  Your interference might have slowed the solutions from being manifested quickly, but again giving the problems to Me will allow My solutions to become real in your life, giving you peace.  Leave the problems in My capable hands.  
   Those are two examples of people who, because of impatience, took problems back into their own hands after praying and asking Me to intervene in their troubles with My solutions.  That is why My Holy Spirit said that it is with faith and patience that you will inherit all of My promises. (Hebrews 8;12)  He said to not be slothful in praying and loving others, and then you will certainly, beyond a doubt, receive the answers to your prayers.  It takes faith and patience. 
   Real faith in Me will not resort to impatience because real faith has complete trust in Me.  Weak faith causes My children to become impatient and resort to taking troublesome matters back from Me and try to use human knowledge which is powerless against spiritual problems.  I am the only One who has solutions to spiritual problems which involve the works of the devil.  I said that My son was manifested in the earth to destroy the works of the devil. (I John 3:8)  Things have not changed. All problems are spiritual problems because the devil is at the root of every problem in the lives of My children.
   I am the only Father who knows all solutions to all problems.  I said that there is no problem that can come upon you that is not common to man; but that when a problem does come upon you, that I will not allow you to be tested beyond your endurance but I will supply the solutions when you completely give the matter to Me.  (I Corinthians 10:13) Your duty to Me is for you to walk in love and to pray in My Holy Spirit.  All of the answers to your prayers are yes and amen, so be it, when you have completely turned all troublesome matters over to Me for My divine solutions.  (II Corinthians 1:20) 
   Trusting in human solutions has ruined the lives of many of My children.  Human solutions are mere Band Aids, putting a covering over problems, allowing infections to fester and multiply.  My solutions are forever, are powerful and eternal.
   Never jerk a troublesome situation out of My hands because of impatience.  I am your Loving Father who knows all solutions to all problems.  Be still, be quiet and be faithful, trusting Me to bring supernatural solutions to all of your problems.  When you are are patient, there will be great rewards.
    Your Father Who is Patient with You  

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