Tuesday, August 27, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
   To My children who believe that I am just waiting for you to mess up in your life so that I can punish you, let Me give you some sage advice.  Get to know Me. 
   You will not be able to live My abundant life in the earth until you know Me as Love.  As Love I am is a rescuer, a restorer, a redeemer, patient, kind, never jealous, never boastful, never rude, never conceited or prideful, never selfish, never vengeful, never resentful, never takes pleasure in catching you in sins, is always forgiving, is always ready to excuse you, is trustworthy, is always hopeful and is always full of faith in you and all of My children.  Most of all, I am always stable and steady in evaluating everything that My children do because I understand the pressures and temptations that come from living in the world.  After all, I came to earth in the body of My Son and I understand the anguish of refusing to obey temptations.  My Love is the greatest power in the heavens and in the world.  Love even outlasts and is more powerful than faith and hope. (I Corinthians 13:4-7 and 13)  I am Love.
      When My children allow My Holy Spirit to reveal the power of My Love to their human minds, the result is that the entire personality of My children changes and they begin to become molded into having the mind of Christ, who only did what I told Him to do and said only what I told Him to say.  All of His words and actions sowed love into people and the earth.  Until you know the love of your Father inside and out, Spirit, Mind and as Christ's Body, you cannot know the truth of the concept of unconditional Love.  (Romans 5:5) 
    In order to assure you of the longevity and eternal property of My Love, My Spirit wrote that nothing can separate you from Me, not life, death, angels, demons, principalities, powers, things present or things to come, not height, depth or any creature can separate you from My Love, the same Love which was present in Christ Jesus your Lord. (Romans 8:35-39)
    My Spirit also wrote that He is eager to reveal to your human mind the breadth, length, height and depth of My Love so that Christ many live in your heart through faith and the result will be that you are founded, established and firmly rooted in My Love for you.  He wrote that your intimately knowing My Love for you will result in your being filled with My fullness.  My promise is that when you are filled with the knowledge of My Love for you and operate in that Love, then I can do for you infinitely, superabundantly far and above more than you can dream, imagine, pray, hope or think, according to the power of the Spirit of My Love that is at work in you.  (Ephesians 3:16-20) 
    When you are established in My love for you, you can appreciate more fully the commandments that came from My Son Jesus Christ when He taught you how to live in My kingdom of heaven which comes into your life when you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  He celebrated the fact that His ministry in the earth was over and that My Holy Spirit was taking over that ministry of reconciling the world to Me, according to My divine plan. 
    Christ Jesus was adamant that My children observe everything that He commanded them to do because He delighted in the fact that there are benefits, blessings and rewards in avoiding the works of the devil in the earth, which His parables teach you.  I know how your enemy works and I know the tiniest and also the most apparent tricks that he pulls on My children in order to get you to divert your loyalty from Me to him.  All of My truths spoken through Jesus Christ in the parables are pertinent to your knowing all of them and observing all of them so that you can enjoy My kingdom benefits while you live triumphantly in the world that I created for you.  (Matthew 28:16-20) 
    I have called My children into a one-on-one, intimate relationship with Me which allows us to communicate every moment of every day in order for your tutor, My Holy Spirit, to reveal everything to you necessary for you to have My abundant life and godliness while you live in the world. (John 16:7-15)
    I'm your Loving Father.  I want you to have the best of everything and also to have peace, joy and love in your life on earth.  My kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy which comes by your allowing the Holy Spirit to be your constant tutor.
    Your Full Time, Always Present Father

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