Friday, January 3, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
   There is much controversy over works and faith in My family in the earth.  Many doctrines require My children to work for their church as a means of working for Me in order to gain My love and in order to get their prayers answered.  Nothing can be further from My will and My truth about living in My kingdom of heaven on earth.  Erroneous religion says that you have to work for Me.  That is religious Law, which Jesus Christ taught as being indicative of rules and regulations being present which must be observed or you will not be accepted and approved by Me as being in obedience to My will.  That has nothing to do with faith but is religion which depends upon rules and regulations and the obedience to them by people.  What it perpetuates is religion instead of faith.  In fact, My Holy Spirit said through Paul that it is death but that faith in Me is life everlasting.  Religious obedience to the Law didn't work for the Israelites and if will not work for any humans.  (Romans 3:19-20; Romans 3:15-16; Romans 8:2)
    In contrast to obedience to rules and regulations in order to gain My approval, I say that your faith in Me allows Me to work for you in order for Me to solve your problems, to heal your diseases, to cast out generational demons from your DNA, and to school you in living a wonderful life in My kingdom of heaven in the earth which happened to you when you became born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  That is when I came to live inside of you and bring My kingdom of heaven to surround you with all of the inhabitants of My heaven in order for you to have multitudes of spiritual beings working in your behalf to solve problems, give to you My guidance, and tutor you in the constitution and bylaws of My kingdom of heaven.  (Hebrews 12:1)  Through your becoming intimately acquainted with Me you will be able to effectively refuse the temptations of the devil when he comes to tempt you in your thoughts with his reasoning which always sounds logical but in fact are his demonic words spoken to you in order to trick you into falling into the devil's entrapment which enslaves you to him.  Instead of your being enslaved to the devil, your faith in Me comes from your hearing My personal words to you which transform your mind until you have the same mind in you that was in Christ Jesus. (Romans 12:2)
    The devil wants to be your father by your following his guidance instead of your following My guidance with Me as your Father.  The devil always entices you to try to earn My love by doing good works for an institutional church so that you do not have time to intimately know Me and develop faith in Me.  The devil is a cruel taskmaster who wants to destroy every good thing in your life, particularly a one-on-one intimate relationship with Me.  Jesus Christ said that the devil is a thief who comes to rob, kill and destroy. (John 10:10) Jesus said that He is the Good Shepherd who gave His life for My sheep. 
    In contrast to religious Law, faith in Me brings the abundant life to you, a life of joy, love, mercy, kindness, goodness, patience and peace with all people.   When I am your Father, I provide everything necessary for life and godliness which brings My abundant inheritance to you.  (II Peter 1:3-8)  In diligently continuing to seek Me and My kingdom of heaven, more of My character will be formed in you and you will begin to act like Me, think like Me and have My attitudes.  (Matthew 5:1-12)  I will send people to you for you to tell about My goodness and kindness and they will want the peace and love that you have in your life.  You don't have to do anything except tell them about Me, My love and My miracles which enhance your life and bring heaven into your life on earth.  Even then, you are not working for Me to gain My attention and My love, but you are merely testifying about Me and My goodness and mercy that you have personally experienced, and that they are available to everyone.  Your testifying about My love and peace praises Me to unbelievers and is the only work which is asked of you in order for Me to rescue through you the lost, the displaced, the sad, the depressed, the sick and the poor in spirit. (James 3:13) Your mercy toward the least of My children is a result of My love which I place inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit.  That mercy comes from My love and is the works that come from faith in Me which is available toward all people.
    Very often religious institutions keep My children so busy working for them that My children have no time to become personally acquainted with Me and become transformed into My image by the renewing of their minds.  (II Corinthians 5:17; Romans 12:2)  The devil's plan is to keep you ignorant of My guidance and My personal tutoring so that you remain conformed to the devil's emissaries in the earth instead of being conformed into My image by the renewing of your mind.  If the devil is successful, you continue in having a mind that is conformed to the evil that is in the world instead of being transformed into My image with My thoughts, attitudes, motivations, speech and actions which spread love and peace into your world. 
    Allow Me to do My works in your life instead of you doing the works of the flesh.  Your works in the flesh are powerless, ineffective and very often are hypocritical, always looking for the approval of people.  That is why I said that My promises  are yes and amen, so be it, so that the excellence of the works might be of Me and not of you as you become brighter and brighter lights in the world as you are turned into My image.  (Matthew 5:14-16; II Corinthians 3:17-18; II Corinthians 4:7)
    Let your works only be to seek My kingdom and My righteousness.  Allow Me to answer your prayers, provide solutions to your problems and lift you above all of the demonic elements in the world.  That's My job as your Father.  Your duty is to become intimately acquainted with Me by seeking to know Me personally as your Good and Loving Father.  Putting all of your efforts into working for a religious institution diverts you from My guidance which allows you to become intimately acquainted with Me by seeking to know Me.
    Refuse to follow erroneous religion which tells you that you must work for Me in order to serve me.  That is a false spirit which endeavors to lead you astray by keeping you so busy that you don't ever become intimately acquainted with Me and My love.  Faith in Me grows to new heights the more intimately you become acquainted with Me because you are firmly established in My love.(Ephesians 1: 17-23; Ephesians 3:14-21)
    Let Me perform miracles in your life and you will praise Me in Spirit and in Truth, drawing all people to Me. 
    Your Miracle Performing Father             

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