Friday, January 31, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Generators are machinery that produce action, activities that enhance the lives of people in the earth.  Occasionally the generators go rogue and produce destruction and death in the lives of people.  It is the same with generational blessings and generational curses. 
    I told descendants of the first people to choose life or death, blessings or curses. (Deuteronomy 30:19)  If they chose My blessings, then they inherited My heaven coming into their lives on earth which produced a blessed life such as Adam had when he listened to Me and took My guidance to heart by following My words.  My words created blessings which generated peace into their lives on earth. Their generational blessings allowed them to have a one-on-one relationship with Me which always creates life and blessings.  
   After Adam obeyed the devil instead of following My guidance, then sin entered into the earth and into people, cursing their lives on earth.  Sin is the beckoning in the minds of people to follow the devil's alternate courses of activity which cause death and destruction instead of following My guidance which produces life and peace. The devil's curses, which Adam chose, generated destruction and death in the lives of people. (Genesis 3).    
   And so generational curses came from the devil who infected Adam and Eve with curses that were passed down from generation to generation until they were introduced into your DNA by your parents.  For many years they were referred to as "original sin" because the origin of the evil actions can be traced back to the devil tempting Adam in his mind to follow the devil's temptations to do the devil's will in the earth.  Adam's choice to choose the devil as his god allowed the devil and his demons to enter into the earth and curse it, plus curse the people whom I created to generate blessings in their earth by having loving dominion over it. (Romans 5:17-19)
    My solution for the generational curses which are passed down from generation to generation and which are empowered by erroneous religious teachings and divisive political teachings was that I would send My Son Jesus into the world with My Holy Spirit power resident in Him to refuse the devil's temptations, thus retaining My dominion in the earth over all of the devil's demons so that I could heal people and cast out of people the demons who generated the generational curses of death and destruction in their lives.  Because Jesus Christ had My Holy Spirit's power to refuse the temptations of the devil, He became Lord in the lives of people who followed Him and who later became born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  When My children become born of My Holy Spirit they have the same power that Jesus Christ had when He walked in the earth and the same power that raised Him from the dead.  Incorporated within that blessing of having My Holy Spirit live inside of My children is the generational power to become My children with a one-on-one relationship with Me through which My guidance flows into their human minds.  It is through that flow of My words of guidance that My generational blessings flood into the lives of My children.  My blessed life on earth, which I intended from the very beginning, becomes reality in the lives of My children who hear My words and follow My guidance.  (Hebrews 3:7-15)
    My power of the Holy Spirit creates generational blessings in the lives of My children who follow My guidance from My Generator, My Holy Spirit.  He generates the activities of love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy and patience in the lives of My children which produce an abundance of blessings in their lives, creating heaven on earth for them. (Galatians 5:22-26)  There is no other way to destroy the generational curses in your life on earth other than by the power of My Holy Spirit.
    When you allow My Spirit to generate My blessings of love for other people through you in the earth, then people will generate My blessings back to you. I said that I would make your enemies to be at peace with you. (Proverbs 16:7)
    You can have My heaven on earth.  It depends on what you generate in the earth, either My Holy Spirit's love blessings of forgiveness and peace or the devil's destructive curses of judgment and condemnation.  Become a generator of My love and you will have heaven on earth.
    Your Father of Love Blessings

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