Tuesday, October 13, 2020


My Dear Sweet, Precious Child,
    During the ministry of Jesus Christ He broke many, many burdensome religious laws in favor of helping people.  As an example, one of My laws through Moses was that the people would observe the 7th day of every week as a day of rest.  Under Egyptian rule, as slaves the Jews were required to work 7 days a week with no rest for their bodies to regenerate and recuperate from back breaking labor.  So when Moses freed them from being slaves to the Egyptians, I told Moses to tell the people to take a day of rest every seven days for their overworked bodies.   Remember that I also told them to rest the land from growing crops every 7th year in order for the ground to store up nutrients from rains and become fertile again.  It's the same principle since man was created from the dirt of the earth.  It was for the good of people that I gave My commandments, never for My own good or for them to show their loyalty to Me.  My commands/instructions were always given for the well being of My creation, for humans, as well as the earth itself. So the religious law telling people not to work on the 7th day of every week was for their own good because I am a loving Father.
    You must know by now that the devil always perverts My words in the minds of religious leaders, and so the religious leaders, instead of asking Me the reason for My instituting the day of rest for people, the religious leaders plunged ahead in their own human thinking, coached by the devil, and made it illegal for anyone to do any work on the 7th day, even if it was to seek for food for their children.  The laws that I gave to Moses which were to benefit the people, became punitive laws requiring punishment instead of beneficial guidance to help improve the lives of the people.  Eventually the laws became reasons to punish people instead of to benefit them.  People were arrested and killed for doing the slightest things on what became known as the Sabbath because what I commanded for the reason of people resting their bodies after 6 days of labor became national/religious laws instead of beneficial instructions in the minds of religious leaders and their followers.  The laws became gods and I was left out of the equation.  So the fundamentalist Jewish religious leaders and their followers became the conscience of the people instead of Me and My Holy Spirit being their conscience.  
   I sent Jesus Christ to come into the world and begin His ministry of healing the sick, casting out devils and teaching about My new covenant of the Holy Spirit which was coming into the earth after Jesus finished His ministry, that being My kingdom of heaven coming into the lives of My children who seek Me with their whole hearts.  My Son Jesus knew the real reason for My commanding instructions and the reason was not to judge and punish anyone, as is believed by the fundamentalist political/religious people.  Jesus knew that the reason for My instructions is to benefit the lives of My children, just like any good father. The political/religious Jewish leaders followed him around in His ministry just to catch Him breaking the laws in order to bring Him up before the Roman rulers for punishment, which was flogging and then death.
    They saw Him teaching in their church and saw Him heal a man.  The political/religious leaders were incensed that Jesus was healing on the Sabbath. They accused Him and He told them that the laws were made for people; people were not made for the laws.  Then Jesus and His disciples were hungry and Jesus went into a corn field to pick corn so that they could eat.  Again the Jewish political/religious leaders accused Him and asked why He broke the laws of the Sabbath.  Jesus told them that the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath, meaning that the Sabbath law was not His Lord, showing that the laws had become the  lords of the political/religious leaders, not Me being their Lord.
   Jesus asked the Pharisees and Sadducees, who were the conservative and liberal political leaders of that day, if it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath or to only to do evil on the Sabbath, to save life or to destroy life?  In other words, Him being My Son, was it illegal to save a person, like Jesus did, but was it not also illegal to destroy a person, which is what the leaders and their strict adherence to the law did? (Luke 6:1-9)  Then He healed a man with a withered hand which inflamed the leaders so much they began to plot how to destroy Him.  
   You know how His ministry ended, the Jewish political/religious leaders convinced the Roman rulers to declare Him guilty of being a lawbreaker and crucify Him, even though He only did good works on the Sabbath.  Pilate, the Roman leader, knew that Jesus was innocent but the Jewish leaders insisted that Jesus be crucified.  In fact, Pilate knew that the Jewish leaders were jealous of Jesus and that's why they were requiring His death.  (Matthew 27:18)
    What Jesus was endeavoring to teach the Jewish political/religious leaders is that the laws were meant to benefit people, the first one was originally given to allow people to rest one day a week.  They never understood what He meant, that all of the laws of Moses were given to enhance the lives of people, not as tools with which to judge people and condemn them. 
     Those experiences of Jesus are prime examples of how fundamentalism will destroy people instead of bring freedom to them.  (Romans 8:2; I Corinthians 15:56)   The nature of people, after Adam allowed the devil to flood the earth with his demons, has been to seek vengeance and punishment for other people instead of being like Me and seeking forgiveness and mercy for them. When My Holy Spirit inhabits the bodies of My children, He teaches and requires forgiveness instead of judgment.  The devil requires judgment.  When fundamentalists Christians make the political/religious laws their god, they depart from Me and join with the devil in his use of the laws to punish and condemn people instead of using them to forgiven and extend My mercy to all people. That is why Jesus said to watch out for false prophets because they will influence you to use My words as laws for which to seek punishment for people instead of allowing My Holy Spirit to be your guide and tutor to extend mercy.  (Matthew 23:13-29)
    It's the difference between law and grace.  The law kills but My Spirit brings grace and mercy.
    Run from people who use My written words as a guide to judge people.  Judging others will bring judgment onto you.
    Your Gracious Father 

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