Thursday, October 29, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    A man said a very wise phrase; that being that politics makes strange bedfellows.  Spiritually that is true as well as it's true worldly.  Occasionally they are mixed together, the spiritual with the worldly. In other words, when My children who are called by My name by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit are not led by My Holy Spirit by being completely guided by Me through Him, instead they are led by their worldly emotions.  They are bound politically and religiously to a person who is controlled by anti-Christ demons in order for them to attain what I promised to give them by My Holy Spirit; but they depend instead on political/religious people who are using Me and My name when they don't even know Me.  
    Some of My deceived children are abhorrent to me because they approve of anti-Christ behavior in their leaders and excuse it as if it is not cursing your nation and the people in it.  Hear My words: some of My children are even blaming Me for the fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis and pandemics instead of placing the blame where it belongs, on the actions of the devil.  The antics of anti-Christian political leaders who curse and demean the poor, the single mothers, the children, the immigrants, the blacks, the Asians, Muslims, people of different religions and the disenfranchised people who are seeking asylum from cruel dictators.  Yet, My children in your country who call themselves by My name curse themselves and your entire nation by acting like cruel dictators while they are espousing to seek a white, nationalist nation of their own making.  
    I told all of My children that it's never by human might or human power that anything good can happen, but it's always by the power of My Holy Spirit.  Human might and power is always affected by the devil because he targets governments in order to oppress My children who are made in My image.  Anyone who persecutes the very least fortunate of My children are persecuting Me.  My Son Jesus Christ made that clear, (Matthew 25:40)  Yet, some of My own children whom I have blessed by baptizing them in My Holy Spirit have left Me and have bound themselves to political/religious leaders who exhibit the attitudes and actions of the anti-Christ demons and are still attributing those actions to Me and My plan for your country.  They do not remember My grace and they adopt human might and power, calling it My will.  They are deceived by the same demons that were in the political/religious leaders who accused Jesus Christ of being a lawbreaker and a child of the devil.(Matthew 22:29)    
    My deceived children resort to exerting human might and human power over other people in order to accomplish their own political desires because they have not learned to be guided by Me to bring about change by their praying in My Holy Spirit and being guided by My Holy Spirit.  They don't know Me, even though they call themselves by the name of My Son, and so you have a country that is controlled by a host of Jobs who never took time to intimately know Me and instead listened to other people who also did not intimately know Me. (Job 42:1-6) And so everything in your country is cursed and the lives of the innocent are cursed with the same curses as Job because My own children have remained spiritual babies who are bound with the devil but they are still using My name.  They left Me a long time ago when they resorted to human might and human power to change their lives and their country instead of allowing Me to be their God and Savior.  (Mark 12:24)
    Those political/religious leaders who are calling themselves by My name are doing so blasphemously when they claim to be My children yet they speak demeaning, cruel words about the least fortunate people of your world.  (Matthew 5:22-23)  There is no peace in their actions, yet they claim to be cleansed by the blood of the Prince of Peace.  They need to repent and change their actions or they will never enter into My peace in their lives on earth; plus they are in danger of losing their souls by being completely taken over by the anti-Christ demons who are already controlling your country through political leaders whom I don't even recognize as My children.
    You must research in My Book of constitution and bylaws under My old covenant with Israel and learn that when the kings and priests oppressed the least fortunate people in their countries, they invited the devil to pour his curses into their nation in the form of droughts and floods.  Your own country is now cursed with fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, a pandemic and social unrest because you have turned your country over to the same anti-Christ demons who were in those old covenant kings by allowing your leaders to authorize cruel actions toward people who are made in My image. I don't recognize some of My own children.
    Seeking human power and human might by political/religious means always leads to catastrophes for humanity. (Zechariah 4:6)  I said that I gave the power of My Holy Spirit to you so that the excellency of great things done in your behalf might be of Me and not of humans.  (I Corinthians 3:16; II Corinthians 3:I7 and 18; I Corinthians 4:7)
     Begin to act like My children by abandoning human might and power and instead allow My Holy Spirit to do miraculous works in your behalf.
     Your Father of Life, Love and Wise Guidance

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