Sunday, May 25, 2008


Dear One,
Can you believe for the impossible? That is the reason for faith, to believe for the impossible.
To believe for the possible doesn't call for faith, it calls for hope. Bringing what is possible into being does not require supernatural ability, it requires natural ability.
Believing for something impossible means that humans cannot orchestrate it, cannot develop it, cannot create it. Only supernatural forces can bring the impossible things into existence. That's when I come into the situation,when the force called faith is operating in a person in the earth. I say "force" because faith is a supernatural force, an energy, which summons My spiritual powers from the heavens and puts them into operation in the earth.
When faith is in operation in a person, then the impossible become possible because a person is able to call those things that are not as though they were. He is able to see things spiritual change the natural.
Faith is substance because faith sees the impossible as evidence before it occurs.
Seek My gift of faith for what seems impossible and I will make it possible.
Faith knows that I can do anything and everything and that I have all manner of forces at My command.
Faith says, "It is," not, "It might be.
Love, God
Romans 4:17; Hebrews 11:1

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