Friday, June 11, 2010


Dear One,
You wait for blessings just like you wait for rain. Patience is applied to every situation and every prayer, eagerly awaiting the answer to that prayer.
You wait in faith, expectantly praying and knowing that My answers are on the way.
When the rain comes, you delight in it, and you readily see the results of it. Flowers put on new life and color. Grass becomes greener. Trees become bigger and healthier. Streets are washed clean. The air sparkles with moisture. Everything that rain touches is positively changed.
Your answered prayers carry the same results, the people who are involved are happier and more successful in all areas. There is more ease in life. There are challenges. Excitement abound . All things involved are blessed.
You have seen and will see increased instances of visual changes in things and people because of answered prayers. Every time you pray something or someone is changes positively. I said every time.
You have allowed Me to become the authority in the earth through you. Therefore you have allowed Me to be the Blessor as you and others become the blessees, the benefactors of My blessings.
Then we become as it was in the beginning with Adam, you are you the blessee and Me as the Blessor. We make a good pair as Father and child, provider and receiver, blessee and Blessor.
Love, God

Matthew 7:7-12; Ephesians 3:20

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