Saturday, June 12, 2010


Dear One,
The Sabbath rest comes when you know Me as your Abba, your Dad, and when you know that all I have is yours as your inheritance, and when you know that I am constantly working along with your angelic servants and My angelic servants for your spiritual, physical and emotional prosperity.
It all became yours when you were birthed by My Spirit and became My spiritual child in flesh. All My goods are yours, all My properties are yours, all of My wealth is yours, all My health is yours, all My fruit is yours, all My glory is yours and all of My gifts are yours.
You would never withhold anything from your children and I never withhold anything from My children.
When your blessings are delayed the cause is from the earth, not from the heavens.
Assess the spiritual atmosphere in your life. If there is anger, depression, guilt, dissension, strife, disgust, jealousy, judgment, or any other offending attitudes, kick them out of your life because they are roadblocks binding your blessings from pouring down the heavenly paths to you.
I said that what is bound on earth is bound in heaven and what is loosed on earth is loosed in heaven, meaning that thoughts, attitudes, words and actions in the earth are the only things that stop your inheritance from becoming yours.
Use prayers, faith and patience to loose your inheritance. it is yours already.
Love, God
Mark 11:23-26; Matthew 16:19

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