Sunday, June 20, 2010


Dear One,
You have proclaimed that I am the brains of the family and the head of the ways and means committee.
The head of the ways committee determines the direction in which the family proceeds. He directs the path along which the family progresses. He also determines every particular course toward an end result.
The head of the means committee determines the end result, the destination or goal. The ways committee directs the path toward the destination or goal.
The means committee has already determined the intention or the purpose, and the ways committee instigates the directions necessary to reach that goal.
You are right, I am the brains of the family and the head of the ways and means committee. I determine the end results for you, and the end results are that you might inherit all of My promises. I have created the ways and means committee, which are My angels and your angels. They carry out all of My instructions given to them via the Holy Spirit.
You can't lose in any area of life because you have Me as the brains of your family and you have My angels and your angels as the ways and means committee.
Carry on doing your part of walking in love and mercy and grace toward all men and allow Us to do our ways and means more expeditiously and effectively.
I said, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." Believe that I am.
Love, God
John 14:16; II Peter 1:3-11

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