Saturday, June 19, 2010


Dear One,

Persistence is the key to inheriting your promised blessings.
Persistence is never letting up regardless of what the situation looks like, regardless of what your mind tells you, regardless of what others say and regardless of the enemy's own persistence in telling you your blessings will never come.
Persistence and determination are the greatest weapons against the enemy because he gives up when he sees that you are determined. He runs away from My children who are steadfast and immovable.
Persistence applies pressure to the enemy and thwarts his plan so that he gives up his own plans to defeat you.
Persistence means to go on resolutely in spite of opposition, importunity or warning. Persistence is keeping your mind fixed on the end result. It works along with tenacity and determination.
Persistence is one of the keys of My kingdom.
Love, God
Philippians 16:18; Jude 1;17-23
photo compliments of Richard Nix

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