Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Dear One,
When you depend on Me for everything, then you will see every need met. You will see needs for wisdom, insight, knowledge, prosperity, miracles, peace, joy, patience, encouragement, revelation, guidance and healing, all of them met.
To depend upon Me is to lean your entire personality upon Me, to lean your mind upon My mind, to lean your emotions upon My emotions, to lean your understanding upon My understanding.
The understanding of men is inadequate without My understanding. Depending upon yourself alone is inadequate because you are limited to earthly knowledge and inferior power. Spiritual power and understanding are super natural, far above the lack of ability of men to perform because of the limitations put upon men by the activity in the Garden of Eden. With My help through the Holy Spirit in you and my angelic hosts you are super natural. Your knowledge and insight transcend the natural into the supernatural or the supra natural.
This is how, working together, We can do super abundantly above all that you dare think or imagine, according to the power of the Holy Spirit in you.
Why would you choose to be limited to earthly knowledge when you have My knowledge available to you constantly? I said to ask and you will receive. That applies to wisdom and knowledge also.
Love, God
Matthew 7:7: Ephesians 3:20; James 1:5&6

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