Sunday, November 7, 2010


Dear One,

The human mind is an avenue over which either success on the one hand or failure on the other hand can travel.
You can allow positive, successful, faith filled, constructive thoughts to travel through your mind, or you can allow negative, failure, fear filled, destructive thoughts to travel through your mind.
The productive result, success or failure, is guaranteed by the thoughts you allow to take root in your mind. The thoughts will then become attitudes, and then the attitudes will become actions. When that happens the dye is cast, because those activities program either success or failure to be manifested in your life.
The first thing that Jesus taught was lessons on attitudes. Men call them the Beatitudes, which means to be of these attitudes so that you can choose success in your life. Refraining from thoughts of judgment to others was one of his very first teachings. He said that if you judge others, then you will be judged in return, having chosen failure in that instance.
He also taught about doing good to your enemies rather than evil. He knew that those good seeds that you plant will return good things to you because you have chosen success in that instance.
I have given you the greatest gift that any Father can give his child, free choice, the right to choose your thoughts, your attitudes and your actions. You have the right to choose success or failure, depending on which thoughts you allow to travel through your mind, then allowing them to settle down and take root, producing plants of the same kind.
Be a success farmer, planting beneficial thoughts, beneficial attitudes and beneficial actions.
Success and failure start in your thoughts. What you do to others will return to you.

Love, God
Matthew 5:3-48; Matthew 6:14-34; Matthew 7:1-12; Philippians 4:8

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