Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Dear One, There are antidotes for snake bites which reverse the effects of the venom in your system. There is a spiritual antidote for demonic bites of strife and discord. It is called unconditional love. I said that love covers a multitude of sins. A multitude of sins is a huge number of sins. Love is patient. Love covers over and overlooks the acts of the people who continually harass you or disappoint you. Love is kind. Love covers over and overlooks the acts of the people who are unkind to you. Love never takes into account a wrong suffered. Love covers over and overlooks the actions of the people who have wronged you spiritually, emotionally or physically. Love is never jealous or boastful. Love covers over and overlooks the boastfulness of others without becoming jealous. Love never insists on its own way. Love covers over and overlooks the bullying and assertiveness of others. Love depends on My righteousness to prevail. Love is not resentful or irritable. Love covers over and overlooks the irritability of others without becoming resentful itself. Love does not rejoice in wrong but always rejoices when right prevails. Love covers over and overlooks the wrong acts of others but rejoices when right actions prevail. Love bears all things. Love covers over and overlooks vengeful actions of others and bears them just like Jesus bore your sins in His body on the cross. Love believes all things so as not to be in opposition to anyone. Love covers over and overlooks unbelief and lack of faith in others. Love hopes all things. Love covers over and overlooks fearful, hopeless rhetoric from the mouths of people, realizing that the speaker does not know Me so he or she has no hope. Love endures all things. Love covers over and overlooks all the actions of people when they succumb to the temptations of the devil, knowing that you have also fallen for his temptations many times. So I repeat, the antidote for all spiritual snake bites is love and forgiveness. Love keep you in touch with your home country which is heaven. Love is the language spoken here and the motivation behind every action. Let there always be agreement between heaven and earth. Love establishes the agreement. Love, God I Corinthians 13:4-7; John 3:16-17; John 13:34-35; I John 2:7-11; II John 1:4-7; Ephesians 5:1-2; Proverbs 10:12.

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