Friday, March 20, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    When the enemy comes into the earth like a flood, My Holy Spirit will always raise up a standard against him. (Isaiah 59:19) When the evil demonic influences in every generation flood the earth with their destructive works through unknowing humans, I always send My salvation into the world.  My salvation is always in the form of love and its wonderful components of peace, joy, goodness, kindness, mercy, patience and self control.  Very often, even the humans through whom the devil's works polluted your world will turn from their angry, hateful, divisive ways and begin to sow peace and kindness in the world.
    In the current political state of your world, many countries were participating with the devil's will by persecuting, harassing, ridiculing, rejecting and even wounding people who were escaping oppressive countries and their dastardly actions toward their citizens.  Yet, the countries to which the wanderers sought liberty and freedom also treated them with the same demonic works of harassment, anger, hatred, and they even afflicted the widows and orphans with rejection, withholding from them deliverance from their oppressors.  Countries who even identify Me as their God have oppressed the same people who are escaping oppression with even more oppression. They have even closed their borders to the starving, homeless, sick and depressed children who sought relief from their demonic oppressors.  The countries to whom they fled for liberty became their oppressors; yet, the inhabitants of those countries claim to know Me. 
   It is through the oppressive countries and the ones who claim Me as their God but who have also become oppressors, through those acts of oppression the devil has flooded the earth with his anger, hatred, division, harassment, persecution, ridicule and rejection.  As a result, the devil gained complete access to your world and was able to flood it with his pandemic disease which brings destruction and death into all of the countries.  Instead of countries being inclusive with oppressed people by welcoming them into their countries and giving them a better life, they became exclusive, refusing to do what I said to do, which is to execute righteousness and kind actions upon the oppressed.  (Psalm 103:6)  I said that I am a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. (Psalm 9:9)  My will for My children is that they do My will in the earth, which is to execute judgment upon the oppressors of the oppressed people, to give food to the hungry, to loose prisoners, to open the eyes of the blind, to raise up the depressed, to preserve strangers and to relieve the fatherless and widows.  (Psalm 146:7-10)
   Jesus Christ, Himself, showed you how to minister to oppressed people.  With the Holy Spirit's power you must go about doing good, healing all people who are oppressed of the devil, and I am with you in your endeavors, just as I was with Him.  I send My saviors into the earth to display My standard of love when the earth has been given over to the devil by powerless religious and politically divisive leaders who have rejected oppressed people instead of offering My love, compassion and sanctuary to them.
    I always raise up My standards of love, compassion, peace, goodness, kindness, mercy, faith and patience in My children who know Me which counteract the devil's oppression, rejection, exclusion, anger, hatred, persecution, ridicule and harassment of the oppressed people of the world as furthered by prideful religious and political leaders who persecuted and killed Jesus Christ. 
    My children who further My love in the earth for the underprivileged instead of only honoring the privileged people, will always raise up the standard of love and kindness.  People who exhibit the prideful attitude of wanting to be the greatest people in the world will be like the disciples of Jesus Christ who wanted to be the greatest people in My kingdom of heaven when I sent it to earth.  Jesus asked them if they were willing to suffer the same demonic calling that he must suffer, meaning his death on the cross.  They told Him that they were willing to suffer what He was going to suffer in order to be the greatest of all the disciples.  They signed with the devil's intentions for them when they agree to suffer the same fate, having been ignorant of what the devil had in store for Jesus.  Because of the devil's pride and desire to become the greatest in My kingdom, which was the reason for the devil being cast out of My heaven, they were willing to suffer horrible deaths. They did.  (Matthew 18:1-11; Matthew 23:11-12; Mark 10: 35-45; Luke 22:31-32; Acts 12:2)  To seek to be great is to yield to the devil's pride which always results in a fall from greatness.
   My children who are greatest in My kingdom of heaven are those who humble themselves and become servants of people instead of desiring to be great.  I exalt the humble but the devil strikes down the greatest by their pride. He tempts them to be the greatest and then he lets pride cut them down from their self proposed ivory towers and kill them.  That's why he tempts you, planning for you to obey his temptations which enable him to also strike you down by his demonic sin.  (Psalm 10:2; Proverbs 11:2; Proverbs 16:8; I John 2;15; I Timothy 3:6)
   My true children sow My standard of love for their enemies as well as their friends, they sow goodness and kindness for the oppressed, they make peace with their human enemies, they have joy instead of sadness and depression, they sow mercy in the lives of the widows, children and the disadvantaged, and they exhibit My faith when the world is cursed with destruction, raising the standard of hope in the face of despair.              
    Because of My children becoming oppressors, they have given the devil permission to flood the earth with his works through disease.  My Holy Spirit baptized children need to know the power that they have in their praying in the Holy Spirit's intercessory prayers which defeat the evil and bring My salvation into the world.  Intercessory praying is the ultimate form of love because it requires setting aside all of your selfish desires and speaking My standards of love into the world in the language of the Holy Spirit, allowing Me to send formulas for cures, treatment and creating a vaccine for the pandemic that is cursing your world.  My standards are ready to be distributed which are cures for all diseases.  My love will inspire you to pray in the Holy Spirit, even staying awake at night to allow My words to flood the earth with My salvation from the curse.
    Humble yourself and pray at all times, in all occasions in the Holy Spirit and the enemy will be defeated.  (Ephesians 6:10-19)
    Reject the desire from hell to be greater than anyone. Become a servant of love to everyone, regardless of their race, their ethnicity, their culture, their beliefs, their religion or their station in life.  Love doesn't see any of that.
    Your Father of Solutions to All Pandemics

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