Dear One,
When a farmer sows corn, he is blessed with a corn crop, and his family eats.
When a farmer sows wheat, he is blessed with a wheat crop, and his family eats.
Sometimes seeds of weeds blow in from neighboring farms and weeds grow along with the corn or wheat, but when the time of harvest comes, the farmer is still blessed with corn or wheat and the weeds are sifted out in the harvest.
When a person sows love in his relationships, he is blessed with love from others.
When a person sows mercy in his life, he is blessed with mercy from others.
When a person sows joy in life, he is blessed with joy from others.
When a person enhances prosperity in the lives of others, prosperity will overtake him.
When a person sows forgiveness in his life, he is blessed with forgiveness from others.
When a person sows patience in his relationships, he will be blessed with patience from others.
When a person sows hatred in his relationships, he will be cursed with hatred from others.
When a person sows strife in his life, he will be cursed with strife from others.
When a person sows judgment in his life, he will be judged by others.
When a person refuses to forgive others in his relationships, then he will be cursed because his debts, his disagreements and his bad actions will be multiplied instead of forgiven by others.
When a person sows impatience along with fear, then he will become more fearful and impatient and reap more and more fear and impatience.
Everything is returned after its own kind.
Good actions reap good crop.
Evil actions reap evil crops.
You have heard if a man lives by the sword he will die by the sword. If a man lives a life of violence, either in attitude or actions, violence will eventually take his life, too. It may take a different form, but violence will overtake him.
Sometimes you wonder why it takes so long for your prayers to be answered. When that happens, you must check the seeds you are sowing. If your spiritual garden is growing weeds that you have sown, then that is the delay. Those weeds may be strife. They may be discontent. They may be fear and impatience. Be a watchman and keep all negative attitudes out of your garden of life. They can overgrow in your garden and choke out the blessings that I'm already sending your way.
The ground is important for a crop to grow bountifully. Check your ground and make sure it is not hard or weed infested or full of thorny bushes. If you find that you have that kind of soil, then you must return to Me, your First Love, and all good things will be restored. I will show you how to cultivate the good ground in your life. Then mercy, joy, goodness and love will be the seeds that you sow, guaranteeing a bountiful crop of blessings
Cultivate My attitudes and characteristics and you will see that every good and perfect thing will be added to your life because you are sowing those seeds in the garden of life.
Love, God
Galatians 6:7-10; James 3:13-18; Philippians 2:1-3