Friday, March 18, 2011


Dear One,
If you will observe children, watching their activities, then if you will capture their innocence and their exuberance and their love of life, you will experience the life that I desire for you.
Children are uninhibited by religious rules and regulations, free from judgment, free from prejudice and free from restrictions on their love and acceptance of others. Children consider every other child equal to themselves. If there ever are restrictions on their love, it comes from the teachings and prejudices of their parents. Most children have no restrictions on their acceptance of others.
The innocence and lack of guilt of children is refreshing. They love every experience in which they find themselves, and they learn from every experience. They do not let fear rule their lives.
Young children unconditionally accept others who are different from themselves because they have not yet been taught prejudices.
Young children are without guilt and condemnation.
Young children approach their parents with trust and faith that the parents will do the best things for them.
When I told you to be like a child, I meant for you to accept other people with love and without prejudice, being inclusive rather than exclusive.
When I told you to come to Me like a child, I meant to come to Me with the attitudes and trusts and beliefs and faith of a child, knowing that I will teach you and direct you and guide you to the most beneficial things for you.
When I told you to be like a child, I meant for you to love life and to see the beautiful things and the joyful things of life. I want you to be eager to learn from every experience, to learn to separate good from evil. I want you to be happy, for such happiness is the prevailing atmosphere of My family life.
Love, God
Matthew 5:9; Matthew 5:44-48; Matthew 18;3-4; Matthew 19:14 & 15;
Mark 10:15 & 16

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