Saturday, March 26, 2011


Dear One,
Let's talk about perspective.
What you see from your perspective is not always what I see from My perspective. In fact, what you see from your perspective might be diametrically opposed to what I see from My perspective.
When a child is learning to walk and he falls, the perspective from a parent's view is that he is hurt. From the child's perspective, the view is that the momentary fall was only a misstep and he wants to get right up and try to walk again because of the challenge. The parents don't want the child hurt again, so the parents put the child in a high chair or stroller or playpen or a bed so that he won't get hurt again.
The truth in that analogy is that most learning involves wounds, either emotional or physical. Yet, to the child, the knowledge that one gains is worth the experience. The incident was unpleasant and the pain was short lived, but the knowledge that was gained was life long.
From My perspective I always see the spiritual dynamics and I see the end results. From your perspective you see the problem. I see the solution.
That's why you need to see with your spiritual eyes and hear with your spiritual ears so that you will see what I see, that the solutions already exist and are ready to be ushered into the earth.
You have spiritual eyes to see and perceive. You also have spiritual ears to hear and understand. They are available for every situation. Learning to hear spiritually and see spiritually will keep you from having panic attacks when things happen in your life or in the lives of your family members. When you tune in to Me, you will hear insight from My Spirit and also see the solution coming from My Spirit and you will remain calm
Remember that I give My peace to you, even in unpleasant situations.
Love, God
Matthew 13:14-17; Mark 4:11-12; Acts 10:34-35; Galatians 3:16; John 16; 13

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