Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Dear One,
     I promised to My children and I give to you and all of My children My Holy Spirit to make his home within all of you.
     Along with Him comes the Spirit of a sound mind. A sound mind is something for which all men seek.  The main characteristic of a sound mind is peace.  My Holy Spirit dispenses My peace just like My spirit dispenses My love to you.
     Peace is freedom from conflict, freedom from fear, freedom from confusion, freedom from dread, freedom from strife, freedom from judgment, freedom from condemnation, freedom from disagreements and quarrels, freedom from hostility,
    My Holy Spirit of Peace brings calmness and serenity,  He causes you to be in harmony with everyone, always finding an area of agreement so there will be no hostility in your life.  In that mental state you will find total peace and security.
     Therefore, allow My Spirit of Peace to reject all fearful imaginations, all thoughts of insecurity from you mind.  Then revel in My love for you and My balm of peace.
     I have given  My promise to you, My Holy Spirit, and He brings you the gift of a sound mind, which is actually My peace..
     Jesus said, "My peace I give to you."  When you receive My peace you receive a sound mind, a secure mind, a stable mind, a tranquil mind, and a quiet mind.  When you operate in My peace, your mind ceases to toil and spin out of control.
     Jesus also said that the peacemakers are blessed and will be called My sons.  My sons inherit My benefits and My characteristics.
     Allow My Spirit to give you My peace.
                                                                                         Love, God 
Matthew 5: 9; John 14:27; Matthew 6:28-33; II Timothy 1: 7

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