Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Dear One,
     If a dark, menacing person appeared at the door to your home, you would immediately slam the door in his face.
     Every moment of the day dark menacing forces of darkness appear at the door to your mind waiting for you to invite them in.  You must learn to slam the door in their faces so that they cannot catapult you into fear, anger, depression judgment, strife, division, lust, condemnation and like thoughts which want to destroy you just as vehemently as an invader who might appear at the door to your home.
     When forces of light and love appear at the door to your mind, you must invite them into your thought life because the wisdom, insight and comfort that they bring will illuminate you.  You will find that the things that they bring into your life are irresistible because they are life enhancing. 
Every moment of the day My words of illumination are waiting to be invited into your mind to heal, to guide, to direct, to comfort, to encourage and to bless.
     Forces of light and forces of darkness both will strongly affect your life, depending upon which you will choose to entertain.  You will reap the crops that they have sown in your mind, either blessings or curses. 
     Forces of darkness will constrain you and exert unwanted pressure into you.  They will  coerce you to do things which are detrimental to you.
     Forces of light will  encourage you to do things which are beneficial for you.
     You are constantly faced with the choices and they begin in your mind.
Because I love you, I give you the right to choose whom you will entertain and whom you will obey, either light or darkness.  My children who know Me intimately will learn to always choose beneficial thoughts so that they will have loving attitudes and then act and react in loving ways.
     Dark, injurious thoughts come to kill you.
     Light, beneficial thoughts come to give you My abundant life.
     Learn to discern the origin of your thoughts.  Then choose to entertain the ones which will bless you.

                                                                                 Love, God,
John 3:19-21; John 8:12; John 12;35; II Corinthians 4:6, I Thessalonians 5:4 &5

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