Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Dear One Successful business companies in the earth have major distributors who direct their trucks to distribute their products to other companies in order to fulfill the needs of people. The original companies are not equipped to be the distributors because of the other duties or their location or for other reasons. They depends upon the distributors to do the leg work, the work of distribution. For instance, companies who grow fruit will have truck companies which are used to distribute the fruit to other locations near and far. The growers of the fruit are producing more fruit which go to be the major distributors which transport them to distant locations. From My position in the heavens, I depend upon My children in the earth who are established in My love to become major distributors of everything that is included in My love, such as the fruit of forgiveness, mercy, joy, encouragement, hope, unconditional love, faith, validation, sharing of truth, revelations and insights into My kingdom. The distributors of companies must be well established in the affairs of a business, being grounded in the operation, for their part to be successful.

  That's why I said in My Instruction Book that My children must study to show themselves approved of Me, a workman who doesn't need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. I need children who are so well grounded in My love that there is no question in their minds that I am Love, that I am the encourager of My children, that I am the healer of My children, that I am the provider for My children, that I share My truth with My children, that I forgive My children, that I battle evil for My children, that I give My peace to My children, that I am a counselor to My children, and that I give good things to My children. If My children rightly divide the truth, they will know that I am not the judge and condemner of My children, that I do not tempt and try the wills of My children, that I am not an abuser and assaulter of My children, that I do not exact obedience from My children before I give My love and that I do not cause devastating earthly calamities. The evil that some people attribute to Me would cause a human father to be tried, jailed and put to death. Those people who attribute evil act to Me don't know Me. If My children rightly divide the truth, they know that evil happenings are the work of the devil, not of Me. If My children rightly divide the truth, they know that I will rescue and save My children from the works of the devil if they will simply call upon Me. If My children rightly divide the truth, they know that it is My good pleasure to give them My kingdom and all the benefits of being My children. I need My children who have rightly divided the truth who will become major distributors of My love, My truth, My joy, My hope, My faith, My peace, My mercy and My patience. There are people who are waiting for My ripe, sweet, well developed fruit to be distributed to them. They are waiting for major distributors who will not be ashamed of My love and My truth. The Apostle Paul said that his constant purpose was to become more intimately acquainted with Me. When My children become intimately acquainted with Me, they are established in My love and then they become major distributors of My love which is shed abroad by My Holy Spirit in their hearts. The only way My love can be delivered in the earth to others is by the distributors of My fruit who intimately know Me. Let My love flow freely from you. Love, God James I:13-16; John 3:8; Romans 5:5-8; Philippians 3:7-11; II Timothy 2:15-16; Ephesians 3:14-20; Ephesians 1:16-22.
photo from sapphiresmoonbeams

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