Monday, June 19, 2017


Dear Precious Child,
    The most important allegiance in your life is your allegiance to Me and My Kingdom of Love.  People pledge allegiance to their countries, their states, their clubs, their jobs, their mates, their flags, but I said that the most important allegiance is to Me and My kingdom because no earthly kingdom can do what I can do for My children.
    I told all of My children that they had not approached a mountain where a former kingdom was first established by religious laws, the one where I appeared to them in fire and gave them a message that even made Moses fearful.  I said that you are now surrounded by a different kingdom, a cloud of spiritual beings, witnesses from My kingdom of power and love.  I identified My Kingdom as being the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the Living God. (Hebrews 12:1; 18-24)
   In the heavenly kingdom which surrounds you and is available to you, I identified innumerable angels, the first born who were raised from the dead when Jesus was raised from the dead, the spirits of just men who are made perfect, the blood of Jesus, Jesus Himself the mediator of a completely new covenant, and Me.  We comprise the kingdom to which you belong, a spiritual kingdom which is everlasting, more powerful than all earthly nations combined and multiplied a million times over.  My kingdom is the most powerful kingdom in the entire universe.  AND WE ARE AT YOUR COMMAND WHEN YOU SEEK MY KINGDOM AND MY RIGHTEOUSNESS.  We love to meet the needs, wants and desires of our earthly counterparts, knowing that you are family members who will dwell with us eternally some day.  In addition, we want to make sure that your life in the earth is enjoyable, peaceful, loving and favored with an abundance of blessings.  The cloud of witnesses around you want to make sure that you receive all of your inheritance. 
   In order for you to attain all of your inheritance as My child, I warned you again about the dangers in the earth that might cause you not to qualify for the blessings in My treasure chest for you.  I said to strive for peace with everyone and for the holiness which qualifies you to see and hear Me.  I said for you also not to fail to see Me with your spiritual eyes.  I said do not let a root of bitterness spring up in you and cause problems, defiling you.  (Hebrews 12:12-17)  I said to lay aside every weight and sin that clings to you.  I want you to run and finish the race that is set before you, looking to Jesus who is the author and the finisher of your faith. (Hebrews 12:1-2)   I want you to finish your earthly journey being a winner of every gracious gift that I have for you.
  The way to win every race is for you to let brotherly love rule your life because love is what binds us together, love for strangers, love for your neighbors, love for your family, love for your enemies, love for those who are different from you in culture, in nationality, in race and in social graces.  Love is the blood that flows through My body, the body of Christ.  Love never fails and love overcomes every sin that people can commit.  Love can transform the most vile, sinful, arrogant, prideful, beastly person because love changes everyone.
   You have everything available for you to attain all of My inheritance that I set aside for you from the foundation of the world.  Continue in your allegiance to Me, and to only Me, so that holiness will become your character and cause you to qualify for receiving your inheritance of love gifts while even in the earth.
    Surrounding you in the spiritual dimension around you are a multitude of helpers  who are eager and willing to rush to your aid when you need rescuing from the evil that is in the world.  I am your Good Father.  I provide whatever you need. 
    Your Loving PaPa 

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