Thursday, January 4, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   I identified the wise people who prevail in life, the ones who inherit My kingdom life while in the earth.  I said through Jesus that they are the people who not only hear My words spoken to them but they do them.  I said that when you do follow My teachings as an obedient child, then you will have your life built upon a rock instead of sand.  I said that when your life is built upon the principles, the admonitions, the precepts, the warnings and the guidance of Jesus and My Holy Spirit, that when torrential rains come upon the earth from hell, when the floods come upon the earth as a result of multitudes of the devil's temptations being followed, and when the high winds from hell come to destroy My children, that your house will not fall because it is built upon the rock of revelation knowledge of My love, My protection, My provisions, My secure standards and My wise words of guidance on how to treat your fellow man and how to refrain from participating with evil. (Matthew 7:24-27)
   I proclaimed that truth after I told you to change your thoughts and attitudes from the old ways of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth into telling you not to resist an evil person but to always return good to a person who does evil to you.  When you return good for evil done to you, you build your house on My rock and nothing can destroy you. (Matthew 5:38-42)
   I told you not to strike back if someone strikes you, but instead to bless the person and turn the other cheek. When you refuse to return evil to someone who does evil to you, you build your house on my rock and nothing can destroy you. (Matthew 5:39)  
   I told you that you should not kill but that you should also not be angry at anyone or you will be judged by the devil and inherit his judgment of destruction and death. When you refuse to join with the devil by being angry, you build your house on My rock and nothing can destroy you .(Matthew 5:21-24) 
   I told you to make peace with your accuser when you are taken to court or you will be in danger of losing  your last penny. (Matthew 5:21-42)  When you make peace with a person who accuses you, you have built your house firmly on My rock and nothing can destroy you.
   I told you not to swear falsely but instead to only say yes or no when asked to do something because anything else comes from hell in order to trap you into condemnation and guilt.  When you refuse to swear to anything, instead only saying yes or no as Jesus told you to do, you build your house firmly on My rock and nothing can destroy you. (Matthew 5:33-37)
  I told you instead of loving your friends and hating your enemies, that you should love your enemies and pray for your enemies also.  That builds your house firmly on My rock.  (Matthew 5:43-48)           
   I told you not to yield to the demon of lust which leads to adultery.  When you refuse to yield to the temptation to lust after anyone or anything, you build your house firmly on My rock and nothing can destroy you. (Matthew 5:27-30)
   I told you not to be like the hypocrites, displaying your piety before other people but instead for you to pray in private, to give your offerings in private and to fast in private.  When your religious duties are done in private with only My attention to them, I will reward you openly.  When your relationship is with Me instead of with other people who praise you, your life will be firmly built upon Me and My rock which causes you to inherit My kingdom life while in the earth.(Matthew 6:1-7)
   I told you to forgive other people of their sins.  Since all sins are already obliterated and erased, instead of resurrecting your own sins by refusing to forgive others, by your choosing to forgive others instead, you are amplifying the ministry of Jesus of forgiving sins and your life will be build on My rock of security.  When rains come and floods come from hell upon the earth because of the devil's judgment on people who yield to his temptations, you will be firmly established on My rock and you will prevail and even prosper.  (Matthew 6;14-15)
   I told you not to yield to the demons of anxiety and worry because if you do, your house is built on sand and you will be blown away by the devil's winds and floods and torrential rains.  There will be more evil come upon you when you yield to his temptation to worry and become anxious because you have yielded to the devil's temptations instead of remaining yoked to Me, trusting and faithful to My words and instructions. (Matthew 6:24-34)  If, instead, you remain strong in faith, trusting in Me, your house will be built upon My rock and nothing can destroy you.
   Because I do not judge you or any person, I told you not to judge anyone or the devil will judge you in return with the same judgment with which you judge others.  When you judge other people, your house is built on sand and you are inviting the demonic dogs and pigs from  hell to turn and tear you apart in return.  When you forgive people and love them unconditionally, you take the log of judgment out of your own eye and you become My child who takes My advice.  Then your life is built upon My rock and nothing can destroy you. (Matthew 7:1-6)
   I told you to be on alert for false prophets and for you to refuse to follow their words.  I told you that they would be identified by their fruit, words of strife, discord, domination, division and bitterness.  It told you that you will know them by their bitter fruits. (Matthew 7:15-23)  If you do not yield to the religious and political rhetoric of false prophets, you build your house on My rock and nothing can destroy you.
   I told you through Jesus Christ that building you house on My rock involves hearing My words to you and then your doing them because they are My wise words.  Nothing can destroy you when you are obedient to My guiding words through Jesus and My amplified guidance through My Holy Spirit. (Matthew 7: 24-27; John 16:12-15)
  It is not only hearing My words but it is in taking My Fatherly advice and doing them that makes you My children of promise.  I am your Heavenly Father and when you honor Me as your Father by doing what I ask you to do in order to be blessed in the earth, you are truly My child. 
  I said if you love Me that you will keep My words, meaning to hear them and to do them, not like a matter of a servant's duty to a master, but as children who know that My Fatherly words to you are true and wise ones which will lead you into the abundant life that I promised.  The abundant life becomes real in you when I make My abode in you through the Holy Spirit and We bring my kingdom into your life on earth. (John 14:23; Matthew 6:10)
  I said that in this you show your love for Me, that you take My advice to you. and you follow it.  I said that My advice is not grievous for you but is easily done with the power of My Spirit.  (I John 5:2-3)
  I long to give to you My kingdom while you live in the earth.  Follow My advice and you will enter the strait gate that leads to the abundant life.
  Your Loving Father       


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