Wednesday, July 22, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    If you or your governmental leaders listen to the uninformed, spiritually unwise counsel of people who call themselves by My name but are deceived because of their allegiance with evil, then you and your country will end up like I warned which is like chaff which the winds blow away, being judged by the wicked demons from hell and you and your country will not stand and endure like My people who seek justice for all people against evil.  The people who seek unwise counsel from money hungry, arrogant officials who live opulent lifestyles but yet call themselves by My name will be consumed by evil because the ways of the wicked vanish from the earth but the people who seek wise counsel stand against the evil that unwise people inherit.  (Psalm 1:1-5; Matthew 6:24; Luke 16:9-13)
   If you and your governmental officials cannot be at least as wise as the devil and his demons and also be gentle as a dove like My Holy Spirit tutors you, then you will be consumed by evil. (Matthew 10:16)  It happened many times in the past and all of them are recorded in My History and Instruction Book where I warned My children many times to depart from fraternizing with evil but they continued to oppress the poor, rob assistance from widows and orphans, refused to rescue the sojourners from oppressive governments and instead oppressed them even more, broke the emotional backs of the already brokenhearted and mentally ill people, and fraternized with self-serving officials who live opulent lifestyles on the taxes of the financially and socially disenfranchised people.  I said that I protect and save the people who seek legal, emotional, physical and mental justice for people of all colors, just like I do.(Psalm 1:6) But My children who carry out the guidance from unwise, selfish, unmerciful and deceived counselors find themselves sliding down into having hell on earth until the counselors from hell retreat and leave the masses of people who elected them to clean up their destructive messes.    
    Some of My children claim that they or other people are special in My sight, chosen by Me to lead governments or organizations but they forget that I am no respecter of people.  Everyone is equal in My sight.  I instituted positions in your forms of government which reflect My kingdom of heaven's spiritual legislative architecture, but whoever is placed in those positions in the earth is at the will of the people in their elections or appointments.  Those elections and appointments are at the will of the people under My new covenant of the Holy Spirit.  I hoped and expected when I instituted My new covenant of the Holy Spirit that wise decisions would be made by My children.  It happens according to My will until My children join together religion with politics, like the Jews did, and then they and their government continues to slide downhill into having hell on earth, which is always the outcome when My children refuse to take My wise advice through wise people and instead take advice from insolent people whose character is far removed from My character.  (Mark 8:15; Mark 12:38)
     I have children who do not bind themselves to unmerciful, oppressive, arrogant, insolent governmental and religious leaders who call themselves by My name but are following the guidance of the same demons who ruled other countries throughout history.  My loyal children who have a genuine relationship with Me who are merciful, kind, good, loving, peace seeking, patient with others and joyful are My children who stand up against the demons of evil nationalism, white supremacy, oppression of the disenfranchised and spiritual deception.  They know that their battles are not with flesh and blood but their battles are with the demons who are behind the heads of governmental institutions who are corrupt, persisting in doing the will of the devil in the earth rather than follow the guidance  of informed, wise, knowledgeable and compassionate people to whom I speak wisdom in their ears.  They can hear from Me because they are not bound to the devil by their political and religious dependency.
   Jesus Christ gave the perfect image of My guidance and its rewards when He told the parable of My kingdom of Heaven about the sheep and the goats.  (Matthew 25:31-46)  It was his last parable teaching about My kingdom of God which comes into the lives of My children when they are born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit.  He said that My children enter into My kingdom of God who feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, and visit the sick and prisoners.  He didn't name the people who rule nations with an iron fist and keep mercy from oppressed people, which is always the actions of religious and political people.  Jesus Christ said that what you do to the least of My children is what you do to Me. 
   You must detach yourself from people whom My Son Jesus Christ told you to detach yourself when He said to whatever you are bound in the earth you are also bound to, either the good angels or the evil demons, in the dimensions around your earth.  If an official is withholding goodness and kindness from the least fortunate people in the earth and you adopt his or her judgmental attitudes and actions, then you have bound yourself to the demons in hell's dimension and you will inherit the devil's curses.  If an official is being kind, loving, good and merciful to the most unfortunate people in the world and you have bound yourself to his or her loving attitudes and actions, then you have bound yourself to Me and My kingdom of God and you will inherit My blessings because you have entered into My kingdom of heaven.  It's all very simple.  The kingdom to which you sow, you will also reap from it. 
    Your Father of Love, Peace, Goodness, Kindness, Mercy, Patience and Joy

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