Wednesday, July 29, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    My Pharisaical children are very demanding of their own children, eager to punish them for sight infringements of the parents' rules.  They quote the Bible in defense of their reason for being so punitive in their ineffective child rearing. They say that I said that to spare the rod will spoil the child.  In their ignorance of truth of that scripture they use anything handy to spank and beat their children to enable the children to learn a lesson.  The lesson that the child learns is that it's okay for big parents to beat on little children, and that is passed down from generation to generation.  I said that My rod and staff comfort you because you know that I am protecting you from evil wolves with My rod and using My staff to guide you out of the briars and thorns. (Psalm 23:4)  Good parents use the rod against spiritual wolves in sheep's clothing and they use the staff of wisdom to ease the children out of evil activities.
   The truth in that scripture is that a shepherd needs to use a rod against a predator who is attacking his sheep.  He never uses a rod on his sheep because a rod would devalue the wool which makes money for the shepherd.  Yet My children whose religious backgrounds in Jewish law require punishment rather than active participation in keeping evil influences away from their children continue to use corporal punishment with their children.  Those parents enjoy childlike activities themselves, doing things that they would punish their children for doing, instead of being constant attendees in the lives of their children to watch for evil influences in order to take their children away from the human evil influences or using verbal demands to the evil influences to leave their children alone.  And so then through generation to generation so many parents are ill prepared to guide their children that they produce.  It's easier for parents to continue in be immature children themselves and punish their own children harshly when the children get into trouble than it is for them to righteously guide their children by being involved in their lives, and watching out of evil influences through teachers, friends, religious leaders and political leaders.   
    My efforts at teaching My children how to be good parents is written in your New Covenant Instruction Book.  I spoke through My Own Son Jesus Christ that people should treasure their children because if they don't treasure them as their own flesh they will consider the children to be burdens instead of blessings.  In considering their children as burdens, they will treat their children as unnecessary products of their own lusts instead of blessings.  Jesus said that anyone who receives a child receives Him and not only receives Him but receives Me. (Mark 9:36-37)  Then He said anyone who offends a child that believes in Him that it's better that a stone was tied around his neck and he was cast into the sea, meaning into hell, where fire is not quenched. Then Jesus said if your hand offends you, to cut it off.  He was talking about your using your hand to injure a child either in punishment or in abuse.  His comment said that anyone who injures a child will be sowing seeds into hell and that person will reap hell into his or her life.  (Mark 9:42-44)  The hell usually happens through the later actions of the child that the parent has beaten instead of wisely led.  Jesus told His disciples that they were "pruned" by His words, not by any punitive punishments because He is not a punitive or vindictive Son of God.
   Instead of depending upon punishment to train My children, I sent My Holy Spirit into My children to be their constant guide which keeps them on the path of My goodness, kindness, love and peace and off of the road that leads to destruction and death.  When I sent My Holy Spirit to live inside of My children I intended for Him to be My voice of guidance to cause My children to refuse evil and embrace good.  His voice comes from the inside of My children, not from the outside which is influenced by religious leaders instead of Me.  The religious leaders mirror the laws of the old covenant which became the laws of sin and death, punishment and curses, when the religious leaders united with political leaders where discord was prevalent.
    Now to the reason for this teaching.  It is to tell you that Pharisaical people who call themselves by My name exact corporal punishment on their own children while they, themselves, are not obedient to My new covenant teaching through Jesus Christ but instead they have returned to the old Pharisaical teachings from Jewish laws which require punishment for rule breaking instead of using their wise guidance to keep children on the straight and narrow.  Often My children are so busy playing church, which they call serving Me but isn't, that they have no time to guide their own children onto safe, loving paths which is what I desire.  Then when their children make mistakes from not having good parental guidance, they use corporal punishment to teach their children a lesson which only teaches the children to use their own hands or other instruments to "teach" their own children in doing exactly what Jesus Christ told them not to do.  So religious parents are hypocrites who use corporal punishment on their own children while all the time they are refusing to take My advice through Jesus and the Holy Spirit in how to parent their children.
    Wise guidance and constant discipleship of your children is the way to keep evil from influencing them.  When they are young adults and are no longer under your tutorage, intercessory prayers for them will send My angels to speak your words of loving guidance and My words of loving guidance into their minds which will influence them to make the right decisions. 
    Hypocritical parents deal punitively with their children for not following their rules while they, themselves, are not following My own loving guidance for good parenting which is found in My new covenant of the Holy Spirit and the words of Jesus Christ.  (Colossians 3:8 and 21; Ephesians 4:31)
    Your Father of Loving Guidance               

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