Sunday, September 30, 2007

Binding with Thoughts

Over 50 years for us.....
Binding with Thoughts
Dear One,
Sometimes you only need to change your thinking about a situation to see it change. Oftentimes your thinking negatively or judgmentally about a situation or a person will bind or freeze the situation in its present state so that change cannot come because you are continually visualizing it in its bound or frozen negative state. If you do change your perception of it, then the situation is freed from your mental control and is loosened so that changes can come. Forgiveness means to release and let go, so forgiveness will change people and situations.You have no idea how much spiritual power you have, and you have no idea how much mental power you have, which is often used negatively because of your erroneous perceptions.Change your thinking and forgive people. You will be surprised what will happen.
Love, God
Matthew 18:17 Matthew 18:21&22
Posted by "Dear One, Love God........." at 7:20 PM 0 comments

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