Sunday, September 30, 2007

Deliverance and Condemnation

I offer deliverance from all kinds of degradation. Condemnation is a form of degradation because it either degrades you or others. Condemnation is lowering yourself or another person in estimation or value.There are sexual degradations, social degradations, intellectual degradations, abusive degradations, religious degradations.Fear is a form of degradation because it degrades faith.Grief is a form of degradation because it degrades joy.Anger is a form of degradation because it degrades love and it robs you and others of self respect; therefore, degrading self love and confidence.I can guarantee deliverance from all kinds of degradation because I already defeated all manners of degradation on the cross and in hell when I went there to regain authority in the earth. I can easily give deliverance today because I am Lord over it.All one needs to do is choose to exchange My power in the Holy Spirit for the evil power behind degradation. I'm always waiting to deliver you.I never degrade My children. I exalt My children with My love and forgiveness.
Love, God
degrade - tearing down, degenerate, to deteriorate from higher to lower state.
Luke 11:4 Galatians 1:4
Posted by "Dear One, Love God........." at 4:51 AM 0 comments
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