Sunday, September 30, 2007

Love Yourself

Dear One,
No one can love you like I can.No one can love you like you can love yourself.No one can care for your emotional, physical and spiritual health like you can.No one will see that you stay in perfect health except yourself.Loving yourself enough to take time to stay healthy, happy and calm are up to you.I will lead you, remind you and encourage you to do these things but the ultimate decisions are up to you. To love Me is to love yourself also, because I live in your body, My temple of the Holy Spirit, and I love you.When you have heard the advice to "listen to your body" it really means to listen to Me, the voice inside you, for guidance. Heed My voice, then choose rightly.
Love, God
John 14;16-21 Psalm 31:3 Isaiah 49:10
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