Saturday, March 13, 2010


Dear One,
Persist in persisting.
Does that sound ridiculous to you? It shouldn't
Often when you have persisted to the point of exhaustion you tend to let down in your diligence in praying. That is why I said to persist in persisting, because when you are at that point of what seems to be futile is when the enemy is tempting you to relax in your prayers, but you must at that point persist to continue persisting. You should choose to persist in praying in the Holy Spirit.
Don't neglect prayer and don't neglect being persistent. The person for whom you are praying might be stubborn and it may take more intervention from the spiritual dimension to move him to change his habits or his addictions or his attitudes. That is what wins battles is persisting and then persisting more.
Don't relinquish any battle at any time to the enemy. All victories in all battles are already yours to win. You have more spiritual armor than the devil does. You have Me, My Holy Spirit prayer language, you have love, you have My angelic hosts. You are already a winner in every battle if you will persist in persisting, never letting up on the accelerator in intercession.
When you persist in praying, the angelic hosts persist in changing the situation from bad to good. They need your Holy Spirit led prayers in order to have wisdom for their actions. We're all in this together, defeating the devil.
Love, God
Ephesians 6: 10-18; I John 3:8; Jeremiah 1:9-12

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