Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Dear One,
Can you imagine how revolting it was to the Jewish people when I walked the earth and told them to turn the other cheek when somone struck them on one cheek?
Remember that they were a warring nation when I told them through Jesus not to retaliate against anyone.
Can you imagine what they thought when I told them to blees those who curse you and to do good to those who spitefully use you? After all, their cultural laws told them an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.
They were flabbergasted when My instructions through My Son Jesus were contrary to their religious and cultural laws because those laws demanded the opposite from what I was teaching them when I came to earth in Jesus.
Can you imagine their disgust when I healed on the Sabbath when it was against their religious and cultural laws to even travel on the Sabbath?
I spoke things to them that were totally opposed to their laws. My words were revolutionary.
It's no different today. Some of My children still believe that you must strike those who strike you and they teach their children to do the same.
Even today My children seek war instead of peace.
Even today My children revert to religious laws instead of seeking Me and My wisdom.
Even today My children return evil for evil.
Even today My children talk words of strife and jealousy and judgment and vengance. They do those things because they don't know Me and they don't seek Me and My insight. They only know what religious and political leaders have told them, just like the Jews did when Jesus walked the earth.
I have not been called the God of Peace for no reason at all. I am the Father of Peace.
When you seek me, you find peace for your mind and your soul. Then you don't have to strike those who strike you, you don't have to retaliate and war against others, you don't have to oppose your sisters and brothers, you don't have to curse your enemies because you know that prayers can change them into your friends.
My instructions to you are still revolutionary, blessing those who curse you, doing good to those who spitefully use you, turning your cheek when someone strikes you, praying for your enemies, loving those who oppose you.
You can do those things when you truly know Me and know My personality and know that My ways are always workable and they will produce the abundant and peaceful life for you and your world.
Love, God
Matthew 5; 21-26, Matthew 5:38-48

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