Sunday, January 26, 2014


Dear One, Negativity negates. Negates means to take away, to make null and void.

Negative emotional work against you. The pulls toward negativity are characterized by worry, anger, judging, condemning, envying and other signs of strife which will always create more strife and division. They will always pull you away from love. Negativity makes your blessing null and void. Love always unites into one mind, one soul, promoting unity. Jesus prayed that My children would be one just as He and I are one. So anything that separates and divides is not of me. Seek My wisdom when emotional upheavals tend to come from outer space into your mind. All negative emotional upheavals are robbers sent to make you adopt negativity as your mindset. Watch your blessings flow away from you when that happens because you have joined the side of the robbers of your peace of mind. My spiritual wisdom will always unite you with others, not divide you from others. Wisdom is of love and it creates understanding and peace. Love, God Matthew
5, 6 and 7.

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