Friday, September 19, 2014


Dear One, When you love others unconditionally, you are also showing love to Me and to yourself. You are fulfilling every religious law given to My children when you love others as I love you, which is unconditionally. I said that all the laws are culminated in loving others. Look at the keys to My kingdom related to love.

 I said that what you do to the least of My children in your world that you do those acts to Me. So if you show unconditional love to others, you are showing love to Me. You are, in essence, loving Me with all your heart, your soul and your mind. If you show My unconditional love to others, those love seeds will multiply in the heavens and will overcome you in the earth. Seeds on good ground multiply hundreds of times. That is also a spiritual key to My kingdom. You will be overcome with love if you show love to others, regardless of their religions, their politics, their education, or their social standing. If you are hating others, you are hating yourself because you are sowing seeds of hatred. Those seeds will grow hatred plants which will eventually cause others to show hatred toward you. That's why I said to love your enemies, to do good to them, because of the seed sowing key or principle in My family. Notice that the key to My kingdom relating to your enemies does not leave out your religious enemies, your political enemies, your social enemies, your neighborhood enemies or the enemies of your family. I said to love all of your enemies and do good to them. In following My commandment to love others as I love you, there are no exclusions. I never excluded you from My River of Love. You were always baptized with my love, even when you were lost in sinful actions. You must do the same to others. As I am, so are you in the world. My love will always overcome you. Your ministry is to do the same, to let My love flow through you which will overcome others and giving value to their lives because you and I treasure their existence. I said the greatest thing in the earth is love. You can become love if you will become acquainted with My unconditional love for you. Love will flow from you like love flows from Me. Your Loving Father Matthw 5:43-48; Matthew 18:4-11; Matthew 10:40-42; Matthew 25:31-45; John 13:34-35; Romans 5:5-11.

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