Sunday, July 1, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
   You have read the writings of My children who witnessed the religious and political leaders in their accusatory and belittling statements to Jesus who were following Him around eager to catch Him in doing something illegal according to Jewish political or religious laws so that they had a basis for turning Him over to governmental officials for prosecution and punishment.  Often they were the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the scribes who were mainly learned in political laws more so than religious laws, although there were few variations because Israel was a religious/political nation with overlapping laws. 
   When Jesus was teaching in a temple, the chief priests and elders of the people confronted Him, asking upon whose authority He was teaching such heresies in their temple about My kingdom coming on earth soon.  Jesus, as was His normal practice, answered them by asking a question also.  He told them that if they could answer His question that He would answer their question.  He asked them where did John the Baptist's baptism come, from Me or from man? (Matthew 21:23-27) With consternation the chief priests and the elders talked among themselves, deciding that if they said John's baptism came from Me, that Jesus would ask them why they didn't believe John; but, if they said his baptism came from man, they were afraid what the people would do because the people knew that John was a prophet.  Their answer to Jesus was that they didn't know.  Jesus told them that He would not tell them upon whose authority He was teaching.
   Later after many parables were taught by Jesus whose truths included the prophesies that the political and religious laws of the Jews had not produced the fruit of repentance, and so My kingdom was going to come into the lives of other people who would produce fruit, meaning produce good results (Matthew 22:43) When the chief priests and elders heard Jesus' declaration and knew that He was talking about them as being the ones who bore no fruit, they wanted to arrest Him but were afraid of the people who believed that Jesus was a prophet.
   Jesus taught the parable about the wedding feast which confirmed that My kingdom would be taken from the Jews and given to the poor, the sick, the blind, the brokenhearted and the deaf, healing all of them, so the Pharisees again went to work on ways to trap Jesus, deciding to challenge Him on His loyalty to Caesar. 
   In trying to manipulate Him, they complimented Jesus on His honesty, His teachings and commented that Jesus was not afraid of anyone because a person's ranking was not important to Him, so they asked Jesus if He believed it was permissible to pay taxes.  Jesus told them to show Him a coin, which they did.  Jesus said that His belief is to give to Caesar what is his and to give to Me what is Mine.  His reply was a surprise so the Pharisees went away.  (Matthew 22:15-22)
   The Sadducees, who did not believe in an afterlife, the same day they questioned Jesus about His beliefs by asking whose wife a woman would be in the afterlife if she had been married to seven husbands in the earth.  Jesus told them that they were wrong because they knew neither the scriptures not My power.  He told them that in the afterlife in heaven that people do not marry because they are like the angels in heaven.  (Matthew 22:23-33)  He told them that I am God of the living, not of the dead.  Everyone who heard was impressed with His wisdom.
   The Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, so they got together again with a plan to trap Him.  They complimented Him again by calling Him Master, and asked which is the most important element of the religious Law.  He answered them that the most important commandment is the one that says to love Me with all your heart, your soul and your mind, and that the second is similar because it says to love your neighbor as yourself.  He wisely told them that all of the truths in the commandments are included within those two and they are also included in the words of the prophets. (Matthew 22-34-40)
   The Pharisees were still around, so Jesus asked them a question, asking them about whose son is the Christ for whom they were waiting.  They answered that He would be David's son.  Jesus asked them how can He be Davdi's son since David called Him Lord? (Psalm 41:4) He quoted confirming scriptures to the Pharisees.  No one could think of any more questions to try to trap Him, and that was the last time anyone dared to ask questions with the intention of trapping Jesus. (Matthew 22:41-46)
   While His disciples and other people were still around, Jesus told them that the experts on the laws and the political heads, those being the scribes and the Pharisees, occupied the governmental seats of Moses, so they should obey what they say to do because they knew the laws, but also He told them not to do what they do because they are hypocrites, not doing what they preach.  He said they lay heavy burdens onto people and do not lift a finger to help them.  He said that everything they do is to attract attention, like wearing scriptures abound their necks, quoting scriptures to confirm their actions, and being adorned with tassels and grand clothes, parading around in front of people acting important.  He said that they take the place of honor in banquets and the front seats in the synagogues, desiring to be treated special in the marketplace, having people call them names which honor them as being great teachers.  Jesus told them not to call any man Father, because I am the only Heavenly Father, and not to call anyone Teacher because there is only one Teacher, the Christ.   He said that anyone who exalts himself will be humbled by the devil and anyone who humbles himself will be exalted by Me.  (Matthew 23:1-12)  The devil enjoys tempting officials to parade around with their importance so that he can knock them down with some sort of scandal or illegal activity.
   Having been harassed and viciously confronted by the religious and political leaders over and over again, Jesus gave to His disciples and followers more detailed warnings about the religious and political leaders, warning about the venom of their words, the evil of their attitudes and the corruptness of their actions being as broods of vipers.  He said that the futures of the religious leaders and political leaders were cursed because of their attitudes, actions and words against the least of My children and against the good news of the kingdom of heaven coming into the earth in the lives of My obedient children.
   Remember that the opponents of Jesus endeavored to keep My Kingdom from coming into the lives of My children through their harassment and accusations of My Son Jesus.  They often succeeded in diverted His attention away from healing the sick, casting out demons, and teaching about My kingdom in an effort to trap Him into saying anything that would cause Him to be arrested, tried and punished.  They thought they succeeded. 
   Little did the Pharisees, Sadduccees, lawyers, chief priests and church elders know that in His crucifixion He was to pay the price for the sins of the whole world, would rise from the dead, would continue to minister about My kingdom coming to earth soon, would ascend into My heaven and sent His source of power, My Holy Spirit, into the earth to live in My children who seek Me, My kingdom and My righteousness.  Jesus Christ succeeded in His calling, and the people who constantly opposed Him were left out of My kingdom unless and until they turned from their evil ways and sought Me. 
   It's the same in your world.  Those of you, My children who seek My kingdom and My righteousness which come from My Holy Spirit living inside of you, will learn by the tutoring of My Holy Spirit to live in the earth by the power of My kingdom of heaven and it will be My pleasure to give you everything that pertains to My kingdom.  (Matthew 6:33)
  Your Father of a Magnificent, Successful Plan            

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