Friday, July 27, 2018


My Dear Precious Child,
    Until faith came into My children by the indwelling of My Holy Spirit the written Law, as written in stone by the angels, was only a temporary guardian until Jesus Christ came and instituted a new covenant, the covenant of My Holy Spirit.  The truth is that My children had no freedom or liberty until Jesus Christ came and died for you so that you could be declared My child by faith in Jesus Christ and anointed with the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  (Galatians 3:19-26)  After the perfect covenant of My Holy Spirit came into the world, the guardian was of no use and no effectiveness because it was a temporary fix.
   The old Law was given to alert My children to the works of the devil in the earth so that they would avoid the evil and refuse to participate in doing the devil's will in the earth as a result of his temptations in their thoughts and emotions.  In the beginning Adam had not taken My advice not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so Adam listened to the temptations of the devil in his mind and he and his wife both obeyed them, allowing the devil and his demons to enter into the beautiful world that I had created for My children.  Those invaders cursed not only My children but cursed the earth also, spreading their evil destruction liberally. 
   In Mose's early history of the earth in the book of Genesis he recorded the activities of the devil and his demons through the evil deeds of My children as they obeyed the evil voice of the devil in their minds.  After letting the devil and his demons into the earth, Adam and Eve were ashamed and guilt ridden, even making clothes to hide their nakedness. (Genesis 3:7) Before Adam was tempted and obeyed the devil's voice, he had no sense of being naked.  Next came the demon of blame.  Adam blamed Eve for their transgressions.  (Genesis 3:11-12)  That demon persists even into your day because the inclination of men is to blame their wives for everything.  If not blaming their wives, they blame other people.  Still in your world, everybody blames everybody else for their misdeeds
   The next demon to which Adam's family yielded was the demon of jealousy and murder which tempted Adam's son Cain to kill his brother Abel. (Genesis 4:8)  Next was the demon of lying because Cain lied about his evil deed.  (Genesis 4:9) From there on through the book of Genesis you can identify the demons' works through what is called the sins of My children.  My children only sin in response to the temptations of the devil and the generational curses which were passed down through Adam's family to them.   
  Eventually I gave the Law to My children through Moses when he led My children out of slavery to the promised land.  The people had ignored Me and My advice so many times and became motivated by the devil that they needed some visual guidance on their activities.  They already had guidance from My angels, a cloud by day and fire by night, leading them to the land of milk and honey that I had promised and had set aside for them.  However, they needed written guidance on how to identify the temptations of the devil which led them astray to do the devil's will.  The Law was meant so that they would not be so easily deceived by the devil.
   I gave them the Law to act as a guardian of them but the religious Laws were only to suffice temporarily until Jesus came into the world, ministered My loving grace to My children and then died for their sins.  Jesus Christ went to hell for them as payment for their sins.  The people who believed in Jesus Christ and those who still believe in his death and resurrection are cleansed of all their sins because He paid the price of death and hell for the whole world.   Then He sent My Holy Spirit into the world to live in My children, causing them to be born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit with the same power that Jesus Christ had when He lived in the earth. (Galatians 3:23-29)
   When My children are baptized in My Holy Spirit, He begins to write My words in their own hearts and in their own minds so there is no need for the guardian of the religious Laws anymore because My children are under a new covenant with Me.  It is the covenant of being My children with My life inside of you in the person of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that impregnated Mary and created My son Jesus, Son of God/Son of Man.  You become born of My Spirit and also baptized in My Holy Spirit with authoritative and explosive power over all evil when you believe in the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.  You become My child with My power over all evil in the world. (Acts 1:3-5)
   It is through My Holy Spirit living inside of you that makes you My child.  Because we have a Father/child relationship, My guidance and My wisdom come from the inside of you into your thoughts.  Sometimes it's through dreams or visions but always My words are available to you when you learn to listen to My guidance from My Holy Spirit.  You become the heirs of My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth, blessed in every area of your life when you listen to My guidance and take My advice, like any father/child relationship.  The only difference is that your Father is the Loving God of the entire universe.
   Unfortunately, some of My children find it too time consuming to learn to listen to My voice from the inside of them by meditating, so they decide to return to the elements of the old religious Laws which offer no blessings or rewards.  When they do return to the old Laws, they make the sacrifice of Jesus Christ of no effect in their lives.  (Galatians 5:4)  They reject His teachings, reject His resurrection from the dead and hell, and they return to ineffective religious laws which bring nothing but bondage to the works of the devil. Their religious leaders make gods out of the Laws and so My children who return to those Laws leave Me as their Father.  With the devil still working in their minds with his tempting thoughts, they fall for his trickery again out of spiritual laziness.  They think it's easier to follow the teaching of false prophets who lead them back to bondage to the Laws instead of seeking Me, My kingdom and My righteousness.  They lose out on the rewards and blessings of My kingdom while they live in the earth because they are no longer heirs of My kingdom because their devotions changed. (Galatians 4:8-11)
    When you are My child and seek My kingdom and My righteousness, you are free from the evil works of the devil.  I told you to stand fast in the liberty that Christ purchased for you and don't become entangled again in the yoke of bondage to religious Laws. (Galatians 5:1-6)
    My efforts to make you free from the bondage to evil temptations and actions are effective and easily workable because you have supernatural, spiritual power from My very own Holy Spirit if you are led by My Spirit and pray in My Holy Spirit. (Romans 8: 14 and 26-27)  If you love Me, you will follow My Fatherly advice, allowing My personal words spoken to you by My Holy Spirit to have first place in your life.  Your inheritance begins while you live on the earth when My words take precedence over every other voice. 
    Your Father of Love and Guidance 

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