Sunday, September 1, 2019

A Joyful Servant Mentality

My Dear Precious Child,
     When My children become spiritually blessed and rewarded from My kingdom of heaven, always residing high above earthly problems, conflicts, divisions and oppression, their positive attitudes contain nuggets of healing power which help erase the negative attitudes of the rest of humanity who are still under the curses of the kingdom of hell.  Positive attitudes negate negative attitudes every time.  (Isaiah 41:10)
     Serving healing words, encouraging words, enlightening words, words of wisdom, words of understanding and words of insight that all come from a heart of joy are treasures that are a shining light to the masses.  They shine like the sun, just like Jesus Christ said when He told His disciples what they would do when the offending demons are cast out of the earth and into hell where they belong. (Matthew 13:36-43)
    To My serving children of promise whom I have chosen to be My messengers of Light, their spiritual passion is to enlighten every corner of the earth with their positive, loving, peaceful words and attitudes which are in sharp contrast to religious and political divisive teachings and confessions which spread darkness in the world.   Light and darkness cannot exist together because light always overcomes darkness.  Where there is an obvious contrast, Light always dispenses darkness, dark thoughts, dark attitudes, dark words and dark actions. 
    For many years in the earth that I created to be heaven on earth for My children, after the first man allowed the devil's darkness to invade his domain there was no contrast to darkness because the entire world was dark under the domination of the devil who used Mosaic Laws to condemn My children under the old covenant.  When Jesus Christ came to earth to save the world from the darkness of the devil and his demons, there finally was an enlightening contrast to the darkness.  My glory shone out of Him and drew people to Him because of My Light in Him.  My Light in Him attracted people to Him like a light bulb attracts bugs to itself.  The positive words of Light from Him provided hope to the masses and they swarmed around Him for answers to their sicknesses, diseases and maladies.  Jesus Christ was excited and delighted to serve My Good News.  The people listened to Him as He spoke truths relating to My kingdom of heaven in which lies the solutions to all of the problems in the world.   It was obvious that it was because of Jesus Christ that I provided answers to all of the troubling problems of humanity. 
    Religious and political men, the messengers of darkness, could not endure that My Light was overcoming their darkness and Jesus Christ was setting people free, so they harassed, maligned, questioned and abused My Messenger of Light in an effort to overcome Him.  There was no chance of that happening, and even though they killed Him and sent Him to hell, He rose from the dead and appeared alive to many people as a visual example of Light overcoming darkness.
    Even though the ministers of darkness thought that they had overcome the Light, He came back to live inside of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit, causing an army of Christ-ians to also become Light and enlighten the world with My love and My power.  My Light produces an epidemic of healing, of forgiveness, of restoration, of reconciliation and of liberty from evil.  My light continues to overcome the darkness that thought it had won the war for dominance in the earth.
    As My children of Light, you are privileged to be an emissary of Light to the world, serving Light to the hungry, the poor, the diseased and the brokenhearted.           
Eventually the entire world will become Light and My knowledge will flood the earth as the waters cover the sea. (Isaiah 11:1-9)   I said that no one will have to teach his brother to know Me because all people will know Me, from the least to the greatest. (Jeremiah 31:31-34)  I said that I would remember their sins no more. 
     I need My Children to believe that prophesy so that it will come to pass.(Hebrews 8:10-13)  Light overcomes darkness in My children of promise so that My Light from them will easily overcome the darkness in other inhabitants of the earth.
     The privilege of serving My Light is glorious to the servers because when they share the Light it charges its own battery, making their Light even more powerful!
     Jesus Christ is the Light of the world.   He sent My Holy Spirit to be the Light of the world and My Spirit lives inside of My children of promise. (I Corinthians 3:16-17; II Corinthians 3:17-18;  II Timothy 1:10) 
     When My children, with joy, share the positive Light of the fire of the Holy Spirit with others, My prophesies are fulfilled, proving that My light still overcomes darkness wherever He is allowed to shine. (John 9:5: Matthew 5:14-16)  The joyful servant gets the 100 fold return.
     Your Father of Eternal Light 

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