Saturday, September 14, 2019


My Precious Child,
    My peace that floods your mind when you connect with Me is vitally important to you spiritually, physically and mentally.  It's the peace that every soul desires and for which every person longs because of thoughts of fear, dread, confusion, worry, fretting and despair that torture you by your mind going haywire when problems enter into your life.  The lack of peace is what spurs a person to turn to alcohol, drugs, perverted sex, gluttony and other sins of the flesh that deceive a person into thinking that those gifts of satan will relieve the mental torture but in reality they only add more insecurity and torture to your unruly mind.
    There is a reason why My Son Jesus Christ is called the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6) It's because that is the most sought after spiritual commodity when people come to Me asking for help because they are defenseless against mental torture and hopelessness.  Sometimes the mental torture includes guilt and condemnation also in thoughts that you have failed everyone, parents, marriage partners, your children, your friends, your business associates and yourself because you have yielded to depression and cannot crawl out from under the mental pressure.  (Luke 1:76-79)
   Then along comes the Good News, someone tells you that there is a Savior, a spiritual Being who can come into your life and take complete control of your life, even solving the problems that caused the devastating load of depression, but most important that that Savior can lift your spirit and your mind out of the pits of despair and free you from the burdens. (Matthew 11:28-30) The thought of having peace in your raging mind is promising enough to make you want to reach out to Me with your whole being and ask Me to become your Father Immortal, because you will easily give everything up for the peace that passes human understanding.
    As a result of hearing that life-saving Good News, with the last string of hope you hand over to Me everything in your life, your fears, your mental torture, your insecurities, your worry, fretting, despair, your guilt, condemnation, your failures, your depression, your dread and your confusion.  I take on all of those exrements of life caused by evil and in exchange I give My peace to you.  The exchange is not fair to Me, I get all of the evil that plagued you and you receive everything that is good from My Family of Love.  But in reality, it is a glorious exchange because you are free from mental torture and you have peace of mind for the first time in years.  You are free because you passed on to Me the things that enslaved you and in exchange you received My peace, love and joy. 
    You learn from My Holy Spirit's tutoring of you that your freedom from mental torture was accomplished by My Son Jesus Christ who paid the punishment for you by going to hell for your failures, your mistakes and your insecurities.  His payment for them freed you from the devil's condemnation and guilt because Christ's sacrifice meant that your slavery to evil is over and you are free.  Any record of your sins have been obliterated in My mind as if you had never sinned and experienced hell on earth because your Brother Jesus Christ satisfied the devil's requirements of death.  Because of My Holy Spirit living inside of you, you emerge a new creation with the purity of My life inside of you.  You have new thoughts, new motivations, new attitudes, a new language and an inclination to perform new kind actions.  You are in reality a new creation.
    The greatest gift from Me is the peace that I placed in your mind, a peace that is never entirely understood, but yet is gloriously rewarding and the cause for celebration and thanksgiving from you.  You find out that My peace must be shared with others because you don't want to ever lose that sense of liberty that My peace affords you.  You are motivated to keep peace with everyone in order that you don't lose the sense of freedom that My peace gives to you. 
   You know that I spoke truth when I said to come to Me if you are troubled and heavily burdened and I would give you peace.  You experienced it and you continue to experience peace because you have the Prince of Peace inside of you.  As a result, you become My Child of Peace in a troubled world, a beacon of light for others who are oppressed with a load of heavy burdens. (Ephesians 2:14; I John 1:5)
     I gave the peace that passes understanding to you and I do it for everyone who comes to Me for relief. My light overcomes all darkness.  (I Thessalonians 5:5)  You experience it.  Share it with others who are under a heavy load of burdens.
     Your Burden Bearing Heavenly Father

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