Tuesday, September 17, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    My Son Jesus Christ had to come into the world in a human form in order to go to hell for the sins of the whole world or His sacrifice would have been of no importance to mankind.  However, He had to also be My Son or He would not have had the power to do His mighty healings and miracles, as well as His own being raised from the dead by the power of My Holy Spirit.  That is why My Holy Spirit went into Mary and created Him as Son of God/Son of Man. (Luke 1:26-38) Without My Holy Spirit inside of Him, He would not have been able to have total communication with Me to enable Him to have the power and wisdom on how to heal, cast out demons and teach about My kingdom of heaven which was coming into the earth after His death and resurrection.  He did not begin His miraculous ministry until He was baptized in My Holy Spirit, making Him the Christ, the anointed One. (Luke 3:21-22)
    Before Jesus was born, John the Baptist had proclaimed that a man would come whose sandals John was not worthy to undo the strap of His sandals.  John baptized people in water for repentance, but he said that this man would come and baptize people in the Holy Spirit and fire. (Luke 3:15-17) He, of course, was speaking of Jesus who became Jesus Christ after He was baptized in My Holy Spirit and became the Anointed One.
    When you are born of My Spirit, He comes to live inside of you in your human spirit and a new person is created.  When are baptized in My Holy Spirit, the entire company of My heaven comes into the earth to surround you with My power and My peace.  Your entire being, spirit, mind and body, become engulfed completely in My heaven which is composed of a host of angels, the spirits of people whose bodies have died and have been perfected, Jesus Christ and His blood is there and I am there.(Hebrews 12:1 and 22-25)  My Holy Spirit is inside of you.  You have all of the members of the Godhead in your life on earth.  That is the most miraculous gift that I gave to mankind, that I would come and live inside of them in the peson of My Holy Spirit and that I would send My entire kingdom of God to surround them as their new country of origin, the kingdom of God.
    When My Holy Spirit came to live inside of people, they became filled with Christ and became Christ people or Christians because they become My children, just like Jesus was My Son.  Jesus Christ comes to live inside of them, just like I promised, and He came in the person of the Holy Spirit because it is My Spirit who made Him the Christ.  We are the same, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.  Jesus Christ fulfilled His promise to His disciples to come back to them and He did, in the person of the Holy Spirit who made Him the Christ.   I came to live inside of My children who have provided their bodies to Me as My dwelling place in the earth. (I Corinthians 3:16)
    My kingdom of heaven came to live inside of and surrounding My children who choose to make Me the Lord of their lives.  In that event, Jesus Christ's promise to come back to be with His disciples is fulfilled because He comes to live inside of all of My children in the person of My Holy Spirit. 
    From that day forth, My children of promise, now called Christians, are equipped with the power to cast demons out of the earth by the power of My Holy Spirit and allow My angels to usher the demons to hell where there awaits them their judgment of fire and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 13: 36-42)  I said that then the righteous would shine like the sun in My kingdom of heaven which surrounds My children. (Matthew 13;36-43)    
    It's time for My children to realize that Christ Jesus has already come back to earth in the person of My Holy Spirit, who is the Christ part of Him.  We are waiting for My children to realize that My Holy Spirit is Lord of the earth and give Him the same praise and respect as they give to Jesus Christ.  (II Corinthians 3:17-18)  We are the same!
    When My children allow My Spirit to reveal this truth to them, then the whole earth will rejoice because it waits to be redeemed from the curses placed on it by the devil. (Genesis 3:14-19)  When those demons are cast into hell, then My children shine in My kingdom and the earth is released from bondage to the devil.(Romans 8:19-24)
    The redemption by Jesus Christ was for the entire world and when He lives inside of My children, they have the authoritative power of My Holy Spirit to execute My judgment on the demons who plague the earth.
    Jesus Christ said for everyone who has ears, to let them hear My words. Start purifing the earth starting with yourself, your family and then the entire world.  It is done by praying in the Holy Spirit and being led by My Holy Spirit.  (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
    Magnificent rewards await you.
    Your Father of Fulfilled Promises

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