Tuesday, September 24, 2019

 My Dear Precious Child,
    When Jesus Christ began teaching about the mysteries of the kingdom of God,  He told His disciples that they would know those mysteries but to the people who are outside of My kingdom of God all things are taught by Him in parables so that seeing His deeds done by the power of My Holy Spirit in My kingdom, they might see but not perceive; and hearing they may hear but not understand; lest they should be converted and their sins be forgiven.  In other words, the devil had put a veil over their minds so that they would not be able to believe in Him as the Christ and receive forgiveness for all of their sins.  However, He said that His disciples would have eyes to see and ears to hear, meaning that they would see Him, walk with Him, slumber with Him, see Him do miracles by the power of My Spirit, hear Him teach wisdom that could never come from mere man, and as a result believe in Him as being My Son.  (Mark 4:9-12)  He had anointed them with My Holy Spirit so that they could minister healing and cast out demons.  Because they were anointed with My Holy Spirit, they could perceive and understand to a certain degree. 
     His teaching on the subject of seeing but not perceiving, hearing but not understanding by the Jews was in relation to His teaching on My sowing the seeds of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ, His miracles and His wise teachings.  There was still some wisdom that He taught that His own disciples neither understood nor perceived, and Jesus Christ had to explain more fully the truths behind His teachings.  You must remember that neither the priests, the politicians nor the other fundamentalist Jews had a proper preconceived idea of what the Messiah would look like and do.  John and Baptist and Jesus Christ were the farthest things from the expected images in their minds.  They expected an elegant, grand king but John and Jesus were humble servants of people. (Luke 9:43-45)
   When Jesus Christ anointed His disciples for ministry, they began to understand His teachings more fully.  Yet, before He was crucified for the sins of the world, He gave them a long lecture about My Holy Spirit and how when He came to earth in My kingdom of God that He would lead and guide them into all truth, that My Spirit would take the things that Jesus Christ taught and explain them fully to them, revealing the truths in all of them when My Spirit is allowed to become their private tutor. (John 14, 15 and 16) All of His revelations would come from inside of them because Christ was going to send the same Holy Spirit to live inside of them and surround them that lived inside of Him and surrounded Him. 
    Jesus Christ even told His disciples not to be troubled and depressed even though He was leaving them because the Holy Spirit would live inside of them and cause them to do greater things because He was going to sit down with Me in My heaven and send My Holy Spirit to live inside of them.  Because the Holy Spirit is My wisdom and My knowledge, everything that He teaches My children are explained in personal ways that they can individually understand and perceive.  It is in those truths that My children become triumphant against the devil and his evil in their lives in the world. 
   Hearing My voice as spoken in your thoughts by My Holy Spirit allows you to totally understand everything that I teach you about My kingdom of God.  As a result, you become free from evil and, more importantly, you begin to be transformed into having the same mind that was in Christ Jesus.  As a result, you begin to think like Me, act like Me, talk like Me and allow My Spirit to do miracles through you by either your praying in My Holy Spirit or laying hands on people by My anointing of My Spirit.  In other words, My kingdom comes on earth as it is in heaven in answer to the prayer that Christ taught His disciples to pray. 
   When you are born of My Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, the prayer that Christ taught to His disciples to pray is answered because My kingdom of heaven comes on earth to live inside of My children and surrounds My children.  (Acts 2:1-4;  Acts 2: 17-18)
   With My Holy Spirit as your tutor, you easily understand and perceive the mysteries of My kingdom of God when you seek Me with your whole heart. I am delighted to share the mysteries with you, knowing that you will be changed into My image in your flesh as well as your spirit and thus inherit all of My blessings and rewards while you live in the earth as well as when your flesh dies and you come to live with Me, just like Jesus did.
   Your Truth Teaching Father

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