Friday, September 27, 2019


My Dear Precious Child,
    In the teachings of the parables to His disciples about the kingdom of heaven Jesus Christ taught a very short description about what the people would find when they enter into My kingdom.  He said the KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE THIS:  It's like a merchant looking for fine pearls and when he finds one of great value he goes and sells everything he owns and buys it. 
    In the same setting He had just told that My kingdom of heaven is like a man who finds a treasure in a field.  He hides the treasure, goes away happy, sells everything that he owns, goes back and buys the whole field.  You learned that the treasure that He was saying My children would find is My Holy Spirit and in Him there is joy unspeakable, so the man gets rid of everything that would interfere in his possessing the treasure and takes unto himself the entire kingdom of heaven where he found the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 13:44)
    In the companion parable about man looking for pearls, the same truth prevails.  However, what the man is looking for in this parable is pearls.  Pearls are not found in fields, but instead are found in oysters in a sea or an ocean.  The pearl that Jesus was saying that they would find in My kingdom of heaven are pearls of wisdom.  Wisdom is what many My children seek and all of them desperately need, the wisdom to make the right decisions which will not bring problems into their lives, but instead the wisdom to determine the solutions to all of their problems so that they will not fail at important endeavors; the wisdom to choose the right mate for life in order not to have division which brings curses from hell; the wisdom on how to raise obedient, caring, loving children and the wisdom to train their children for independence as adults; the wisdom on how to institute a loving, unified marriage; the wisdom to make a sufficient living in order to feed and house his or her family,; the wisdom to make sound investments in their future; and on and on until they are like Solomon who asked Me for wisdom and only for wisdom.  Solomon knew that wisdom brings favor with people and he proved it because the wisdom that I gave to him caused kings and queens to bring their treasuries of jewels and precious metals to Solomon just to hear his wisdom. (I Kings 4:29-30 and 34; I Kings 10:4 4-10 and 23-24)
    Job found out that wisdom is worth more than pearls or gold or rubies or coral or sapphires or onyx or topaz or silver or diamonds.  He said that wisdom can neither be found in the land of the living nor in the the depths of the earth because those human and demonic beings say, "It's not in me," and the seas say, "It's not in me."  He said that the demons os death and destruction say, "We have heard of the fame of wisdom with our ears."  Job said that wisdom was hidden from all living beings, that I am the only being who is all Wisdom and all Understanding.  Job finally declared that for a man to be in fearful awe of Me is Wisdom and to depart from evil is Understanding.   (Job 28:12-28)
    Jesus said that when My children first seek My kingdom and seek My righteousness that everything will be added to your life on earth. (Matthew 6:33) Because Wisdom is one of My characteristics and personality found in the Holy Spirit, when you enter into My kingdom of heaven by being born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, you have access to all of My Wisdom and Understanding that are at your disposal because you have become My child and My Spirit is the dispenser of My Wisdom and My Understanding to My children.   My Wisdom belongs to you because it shows you how to overcome everything that the devil throws at you in your life on earth.  My Holy Spirit takes every solution to problems from My mind and gives them to My children who seek Me instead of seeking human wisdom, religious laws or political constitutions and bylaws because they are rules and regulations made by humans who are limited in having any kind of wisdom and understanding.
     The pearl of wisdom that fits every problem in your life is available for you to have when you are firmly established in My kingdom of God.  When you are united with Me in a Parent/child relationship, seeking only Me for insight, understanding and solutions, you will receive what you need.  My wisdom will flood your mind just like it did with Solomon.  I do not play favorites.  I love you as much as I loved Solomon.  My Wisdom is poured out from heaven on you.  Clearing your own mind of doubt, unbelief and impatience is necessary for My wisdom to flood your mind with solutions to problems and insights which lead to understanding. 
     The only thing that can stop My wisdom from entering into your mind when you ask for it is if the devil gets hold of your mind with doubt and unbelief. (James 1:5-8) But, when your thoughts, mixed with faith, are fixated on Me and My solutions that you need, there are no barricades that block My Wisdom from entering into your mind with solutions and instructions on how you can work with Me to save you from all human problems with My pearls of Wisdom.
    James said that if you need Wisdom all you have to do is ask.  Asking opens the door for My wisdom to enter into your mind. 
    Turn your back on anything that would interfere with our One on one relationship where the exchange of My pearls of Wisdom enters into your mind and brings salvation to you in every area of your life. 
    Your Father of Wisdom, Insight and Understanding 

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