Monday, June 13, 2022


My Dear Precious Child, Not until you know My patience and longsuffering with the Jews do you have a revelation of My patience with humans. The priests and royalty of the Jewish nation not only rejected My method of salvation through Jesus Christ, but they had for centuries killed the old covenant prophets who prophesied it, and then they persecuted, harassed and abused the Savior of the world, My very own Son, whom they eventually were responsible for killing because of their accusations. They were constantly driven by the demon of antiChrist to destroy everything that was legitimately from Me. The Jews were solidly convinced that I am a punitive God, eager to punish anyone who breaks My laws. Not until Jesus Christ came into the earth to save sinners did it become apparent to anyone that I forgive instead of punish, that I build up instead of tear down, that I save instead of destroy, even though prophets had proclaimed My true character. Still, the Jewish nation is still bound to the devil's lies that I am stern and punitive on one hand but sometimes loving on the other hand. That is called the anti-Christ demon which Jesus Christ said was active when He ministered healing and restoration in the earth and was persecuted by the Jews' religious and governmental officials. Yet, still, My patience lasts forever. I am still waiting for the Jews to allow My Holy Spirit to break the bonds that bind them to the devil in their history of unbelief. (Romans 2:4) It was through the revelation of the Holy Spirit spoken through Paul that My Holy Spirit was able to proclaim the truth that it is My goodness that leads a person to repentance. It is through the riches of My goodness, forbearance and longsuffering that My goodness leads a person to repent and eventually glorify Me because that person has come to know Me intimately and personally. The author of the letter to the individual Hebrew Christians wrote that they should remember the sufferings that they experienced from their families and from the priests and governmental officials when they first came to the Light in earlier days, sometimes being insulted and injured with violence as well as being associated with other Jews who had believed in the ministry of Jesus Christ. They had shared in the sufferings of the individual enlightened Jews who had been imprisoned, happily been stripped of their belongings, because what they now owned was better and everlasting, those things being the blessings and rewards of My kingdom of God. He warned them that they would still need endurance in order to do My will and gain all that I promised to them. He warned them not to draw back into Jewish law, but instead to live as a righteous person by their faith in Christ Jesus. The enlightened individual Jews experienced many more occasions of suffering than the Gentiles because of the history of their nation as being the heritage through which the flesh of Jesus Christ came into the earth. However, even the Gentile believers suffered harassment, punishment, abuse and embarrassment by the devil who used their own families and friends to ridicule them for their beliefs in Jesus Christ. Their sufferings had nothing to do with sins, but instead it was the punishment of the devil on them for their belief in Jesus Christ that caused them to suffer. They suffered for the sake of believing in the name of Jesus Christ, which made them a target for the devil and his demons' revenge on Me through their persecution of My children. The mental and physical suffering is nothing compared to the glories that I, through My Holy Spirit and His angelic hosts, am able to give to My children for becoming My children. The rewards from Me are unimaginable to the human mind. Your Father of Glorious Rewards

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