Thursday, July 29, 2010


Dear One,
To experience My love is to experience Me.
To experience My joy is to experience Me.
To experience My wisdom and guidance is to experience Me.
To experience Me is to know Me.
To know Me is to be transformed.
Transformation is automatic when you purpose to know Me and My true character because you absorb the image that you see. It's osmosis.
If you think you know Me and you are judgmental and unforgiving, then you only know about what some other person has said that I am like. If you only know Me through the eyes of someone else, then that image is false to you. It is hearsay. Hearsay is not allowed in a court of law and hearsay in relation to My character is not beneficial to you unless it adds to your knowledge of My character as being loving, merciful, forgiving, joyful, good, kind and patient.
Only when you reflect My image which the Holy Spirit teaches, then you know My real personality and you reflect joy, peace, love and contentment.
When you truly know Me, then you stop being in competition with other people for attention and acceptance because you know that you are loved by Me. Then all competition, all efforts to win approval and love from others will vanish because you experience love to the highest degree in the knowledge of My love for you. To know Me is to love Me because I first loved you.
Become enveloped in My love and find contentment for your soul.
Love, God
John 1:18; John 14:9&10; Ephesians 1:16-22; 3:14-19
photo compliments of Richard Nix at

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