Sunday, July 18, 2010


Dear One,
The rebirth experience is completely foreign to the human mind. That is why Jesus was asked if a man can re-enter the womb to be reborn.
The rebirth experience is wonderfully powerful because it is spiritual rather than of the flesh.
The rebirth is death to the old life and the beginning of a new life because My Life inhabits the human body. It is My Life, not human life. Men don't have to yield to the old desires, old habits, old programming. The old life dies to the old, negative life and New Life enters in. Accompanying New Life are new desires, new habits and new programming.
Have faith in the rebirth experience because miracles are performed by the Holy Spirit when He enters a life and brings into it My Life.
You can always stand by and watch the change and be amazed.
Love, God
II Corinthians 5:17;

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