Wednesday, October 4, 2017


My Dear Precious Child,
   Children who have parents who guide them, lead them by good behavior, teach them how to succeed spiritually, mentally and physically in the world, will themselves enjoy a happy and rewarding life. Having a good example and also having learned valuable instructions has been the key.  Very few of My children have wise written instructions from their parents upon which to rely.  More often, they rely upon the actions of their parents, imitating the good ones and the bad ones.  The bad ones lead to problems.
   My own children have the benefit of having My valuable instructions that I gave through My Son Jesus upon which to rely for guidance and they have My Holy Spirit living inside of them to amplify and personalize those instructions.  They also have the life of Jesus Christ about which to read and examine, imitating His good ways. 
   David wrote a song extolling the fact that I was his Shepherd, writing that I guided him in the paths of righteousness, beside still waters and into green pastures.  David knew the value of My guidance because he had great responsibilities as king.  He knew his limitations and was cognizant of the fact that he needed My guidance. David knew how to commune with Me alone where he could receive My personal guidance and instructions from Me, having his soul restored to My peace of mind.  He knew that I had a rod to beat off the demons who tempted him, and he knew that I had a staff to gently encircle his neck and lead him away from the works of evil that are constantly in the world.  That is why he appreciated My rod and staff, knowing that I use My staff to lead him away from evil deeds and My rod to beat off the demons who came to destroy him.   He knew that good shepherds never used their rods and staffs to beat their sheep or lambs because if they did, they would mar their product of wool and it would be imperfect. causing the shepherd to have a lack of prosperity because their wool products would be damaged and they could not sell it. 
   My own children have so much more than David did, even though he knew Me as his shepherd.  You have My written instructions through Jesus upon which to rely.  Yet, many do not read My instructions and heed them.  They don't know that yielding to the devil's temptation to be angry will cause just as many problems in their lives as killing someone.  Jesus revealed that truth when He said, "You have heard it said, 'Do not kill or you will be liable for judgment,' but I say to you, 'Anyone who is angry with his brother is liable for judgment and anyone who insults his brother is liable for the fires of hell.'" (Matthew 5:21-22) Because they don't read My instructions to them, some of My children continue living a life of anger and wonder why their lives are a living hell on earth.  If they knew My instructions to them, which are readily available, they would refuse the temptations to become angry, knowing that yielding to anger activates the devil's judgment upon them.  If they knew My Instruction Book, they would never insult a person or call anyone demeaning names because they wouldn't want to stoke the devil's fires which bring evil into their lives if they do yield to anger. 
   If you know what is contained in My Instruction Book but still become angry with someone and are giving alms in church, Jesus said that you should leave and ask the person for forgiveness.  Then you should return and give your offerings, knowing that then your giving is with a pure heart which opens the windows of heaven to you.  If you have not made it right with the person that you insulted, your anger and the person's vengeful thoughts against you will close the windows of heaven to you, not allowing My rewards to enter into your life because you are bound to each other by your insult.     
(Matthew 5:24; Matthew 18:18)
   To expand the truth of this teaching, Jesus said to make peace QUICKLY with anyone who accuses you or someone whom you had offended.  If not, Jesus said you will be put in prison by the devil and you will not be released until you have paid your last penny.  In other words, your own anger and the anger of the person whom you have offended or who accuses you of an offense can lock up your treasures in heaven unless you make peace with the person.  (Matthew 5:25-26)
   The devil's strongest weapon is anger and the conflict that arises from it.  My guidance to My children is that they refuse to allow angry temptations to stay in their minds or they will yield to them and become imprisoned by their own angry emotions until everything in their lives is cursed by the devil.  Many of My children die because anger has taken its toll in their lives, cursing their health, their relationships and their prosperity.  If they had taken My advice in My guidance through Jesus and rejected every angry thought from hell, they would have lived a long, prosperous, peaceful, happy life in the earth.
    My Holy Spirit can give you the power to reject every angry thought that invades your mind.  I give to My children who ask Me the power to resist the devil's temptations in their minds and to live a righteous and rewarding life in the earth, filled with love, joy, peace, goodness, mercy, kindness and faith.
   My children speak that I am their Father.  If I am your true Father, you will seek My words of guidance through Jesus in My Instruction Book which saves you from destruction.  If I am your true Father, you will let My Holy Spirit be your personal guide, keeping you from pitfalls which the devil sets for you. 
   You  have My Book and My Spirit.  You have everything necessary for an abundant life and righteousness. (II Peter 1:2-4)  Heed My words and live a long life in the land which I gave to you.
   Your Father of Loving Guidance

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