Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Dear Precious Child,
    Remember that Jesus Christ said that His parables are cautions and truths that you must know and follow to enjoy and bask in My kingdom of heaven while you live in the earth.  It is important for you to completely digest every parable so that you will not fall back under the influence and control of your enemy, the devil, who cannot stand the fact that you have chosen Me, your Heavenly Father, and refused his influence in your life on earth.
PARABLE OF DRAGNET:1. The world is full of needy
 Matt.13:47-50                  souls who are open to God's
                                         Good News.
                                        2.God sent Jesus to cast His
                                         net and fill it up of hungry people
                                         needing help.  There are some
                                         demons who are caught in the
                                         process but at the end of the
                                         old Law and now at the beginning
                                         of God's new covenant of love
                                         My children and the angels separate
                                         out the demons from the believers. 
                                         The demons are cast into
PHARISAICAL WORDS  1. Reject every effort by
                                       politicians and
 Matt. 15:3-7                   religious leaders                      
                                       to jerk you back into following
                                       the narrow religious laws
                                       and traditions 
                                       2. Learn to discern the demonic
                                       spirits operating in religious
                                       and political leaders.  Don't
                                       follow them or you will fall
                                       into the fiery pits created by hell.
PHARISEES AND    1. Another warning not to listen
SCRIBES WORDS    to the political and religious
Matt. 3:7-12               leaders sent from hell to lead
                                  you into the devil's curses.
PARABLE OF REVELATION  1. God's kingdom is built
KNOWLEDGE BEING             on revealed knowledge
KEYS AND BINDING AND       which provides the
LOOSING Matt. 18:15-18       keys of the kingdom
                                               of heaven.
                                               2.  Knowledge of the keys
                                               of heaven provide the
                                              authority to bind and loose
                                              through forgiveness.
PARABLE PROPHESYING  1. Renounce devotion to
PENTECOST                           anything or anybody in
Matt. 19:27-30                         in the earth when you enter
                                                into the kingdom of
                                             2.When your loyalty and
                                                devotion are only to God,
                                                then you will abundantly
                                                receive My heavenly   
                                                benefits and rewards.
PARABLE ABOUT CHILDREN 1. Rebuke any thought
AND PRIDE                              or attitude about being
 Matt. 18:1-10                           the greatest in anything
                                                 because it comes from
                                                 the demon of pride.
                                                 Pride guarantees a fall.
                                                2. Treasure children and
                                                do not abuse them.
                                                 God lives in children and
                                                 to abuse them is to
                                                 abuse God.
SHEEP (Matt. 18:12-14)    1. God leaves the 99 sheep                                     
                                           and seeks after the lost
                                           one who wanders astray.
                                           2. The apostles wrote letters
                                           to the churches telling them to
                                           restore people who had believed
                                           false prophets and restore them.
LOOSING AND       1. Refusing to forgive other people
FORGIVENESS      causes you to be bound to the devil
Matt.18:15-18         and his life of hell on earth. 
                               2. Forgiving other people causes you to
                               be bound to God and His kingdom
                               of blessings, and forgiveness
                               loosens you from the devil's
                               ability to bring hell into your life
                               on earth.
PARABLE OF THE  1. Example of the truth of the
UNFORGIVING         responsibility God's children
DEBTOR                   have to forgive others
Matt.18:23-35           because they have been
                                 forgiven of much more by the
                                 sacrifice of Jesus Christ. 
                                 His sacrifice was for the
                                 people who do wrong
                                 actions to you, too. 
                                 2. Unforgiveness binds you
                                 to the devil's curses in
                                 your life and forgiveness
                                 binds you to God's blessings
                                 in your life.
PARABLE OF THE   1. Earthly riches are temporary
RICH MAN                and deteriorate, devalue and rot.
 (Matt.19:16-26)       The treasure of God's Holy
                                 Spirit living inside of you offers
                                 you all of His rewards and
                                 2. Choosing God's treasure of
                                 the Holy Spirit and being guided
                                 by Him assures you of all
                                 of His real treasures becoming
                                 evident in you life on earth. 
                                 3. The reward of being able to
                                 pray in the language of the Holy
                                Spirit establishes God's
                                power over evil in your life. 
                                The Holy Spirit and God's angels
                                battle all evil and are
                                 victorious every time.
PARABLE OF BEING 1. The desire to be the greatest
GREAT Matt. 20:       comes from the demon of pride, the
  27-30                       desire to be better, best or greatest
                                  puts people beneath you instead
                                  of your becoming a servant of
                                  people and your lifting them up
                                  in humility.
                                 2. God's children who have left
                                  family and lands to join with Christ
                                  judge the demons who dominate
                                  the tribes of Israel and are repaid
                                  by God a hundred times over and
                                  also inherit eternal life.
    Learn the lessons in the parables well and practice them, and your life on earth will be heaven on earth, just like Jesus Christ taught. (Matthew 6:10; John 15:7)
   Your Father of Truth

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