Monday, April 27, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Many of My children who call themselves by My name are deceived by the demons from hell to judge, persecute, condemn and declare unworthy the very people whom Jesus Christ said He came into the world to save.  Many of My children who call themselves by My name withhold assistance from the needy, some of those being the widows who have been left by their husbands or boyfriends with the responsibility for their shared children. Those women are widows by abandonment instead of death; but they are, nevertheless, widows because the relationship between them and the father of the children has died.  The fathers in those families have been taken over by the demons of irresponsibility. My desire is that those mothers are rewarded for their becoming solely responsible for their children instead of also abandoning them. Yet, My own children champion their political and religious leaders who withhold assistance from the needy under the auspices of lack of funds when in truth the motive is to punish the mothers because of My own children holding onto the judgmental and punitive demons from their religious backgrounds. 
   In withholding assistance from the mothers who are needy, at the basis of the judgment from My children is the demon of blame, the same demon who tempted Adam to blame Eve for their disobedience.  Eve was not responsible for Adam's disobedience, it was his own choice. Yet, Adam blamed her.  So it is the same demons of blame in religious and political people who judge and condemn single mothers, whether they are widowed by abandonment or the death of the fathers of their children.  In your generation the reason from the religious/political leaders for the withholding of assistance from single mothers, who are widows in My eyes, is that the widows and orphans are depleting the national funds by deceit, having children just to get assistance.  Behind every one of those women and children is a man who shirked his responsibilities and passed it on to the woman.  The very people whom Jesus Christ said that He came to earth to save are the people who are judged and punished by political and religious leaders.  Instead of exacting assistance from the fathers of the children, it's easier to punish and judge the mothers, even though they are doing what I call them to do, which is to be responsible for their children.
   The judgmental and punitive withholding of assistance from the sojourners, or what is now called the immigrants, is the same travesty.  Jesus Christ said to embrace the people who are fleeing from corrupt governments, but many of My children support governmental laws which refuse to give assistance to people who are fleeing from nations with corrupt officials who rob from the poor in order for the officals to live opulent lifestyles.  Those officials murder the people who oppose them and flee their homeland for a more kind nation but often the oppressed people find the same oppression in the nations to which they seek asylum.  The religious/political leaders of those nations profess the same reason for their judgmental and punitive actions toward the wandering people, claiming that the people seeking assylum do so in order to break the laws of the nation to which they flee or take jobs away from the nationals. Those religious/political leaders are doing the same thing that the leaders did to Jesus Christ.  They are emotionally and physically killing multitudes of people in the name of national patriotism instead of doing what I said to do through Jesus Christ which is to welcome wanderers who are fleeing from oppression, just like I do and just like what Jesus Christ did.  Unfortunately, in judging and exacting punishment upon the sojourners, who are the people looking for freedom from oppression, the political leaders are calling down upon their own nations curses from the demons of blame and murder just like Adam did in the beginning on his family, as evidenced by his son Cain killing Abel.  The devil loves political leaders who obey his temptations because he knows that when they fall for his temptations it authorizes all of the demons from hell to pour out their curses upon the nations of those leaders.  Jesus Christ taught you that spiritual principle when He said that if you judge someone, that you will also be judged by the devil's same judgmental spirits. (Matthew 7:1-6)
    When My children have not allowed My Holy Spirit to perfect His gift of discerning of spirits in their minds, My own children who call themselves by My name will ignorantly yield to the devil's temptations to judge, condemn and exact punishment upon the people whom Jesus Christ came to earth to save, even electing officials who do the same thing in the name of national patriotism.  Because of their own judgments upon the needy, their officials bind themselves to demonic motivations which also bind themselves to the devil's curses upon their nations.  That is why under My old covenant with a nation, a king or religious leader who turned back to Me after exacting corrupt and cruel actions toward the needy were required by My decree  to sacrifice for his sins the sacrificial lambs or calves from his own bounty as payment for his sins of robbing from the poor and needy. He had to lay his hands upon the head of the animal and confess his sin of judgmental oppression.  The demon of judgmental oppression would come upon the animal who would then be sacrificed. That was a precursor to Jesus Christ taking upon Himself the sins of the whole world.
    Very often, My very own children who call themselves by My name are more judgmental and oppressive than unbelievers because the devil and his demons delight in tempting them to do evil works in the earth by using religious laws in order to justify their judgments. Jesus Christ said that He judges no person and that I judge no person.  Go and do likewise, refusing to support religious and political officials who judge, oppress and punish the very people whom Jesus Christ came into the world to save. 
   When My Holy Spirit's discerning of spirits is perfected in you, you will also judge no person, knowing that all evil comes from hell, especially the demons of judgment and oppression.(I Corinthians 12:10) You will discern the strict adherence to religious and political laws required by officials comes from a demonic spirit of judgment and is not of Me.  You will know that mercy, which is forgiveness for sins is My way of handling sins; and empowering My children with My power and guidance from My Holy Spirit who gives to people the power to refuse evil temptations. (John 3:3-7)
   You have heard people say, "It's my way or the highway," insinuating that they only allow their own selfish ways to be acceptable.  My adoption of that saying is this: Choosing My ways will keep you from traveling the highway to having hell in your life. So it's really either My ways of goodness which lead to blessing or the devil's ways which cause you to travel on the highway to having hell in your life on earth.
   It is expedient that My children become perfect in My gift of discerning of spirits so that you will allow My Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your human understanding and guide you to recognize demonic spirits so that you recognize them and refuse to bind yourself to them.  They still hide in religious leaders who hold the form of religion but deny the power of My Holy Spirit. (II Timothy 3:5-7)  They also hide in political leaders who are arrogant and prideful in their own importance, forgetting that they are public servants elected to further the constitution and bylaws of their countries, not called to further their own partisan politics and greed.  It hasn't changed since Jesus Christ walked in the earth.  He was accused and judged by the Jewish religious and political leaders to the Romans who killed him, even though the Roman leaders found no sin in Jesus Christ for which to crucify him.  Those Roman leaders recognized the jealousy in the Jewish religious and political leaders as being their reason for the opposition to My son. (Luke 23:1-25; Mark 15:9-12)
    My children must be careful and always depend upon My gift of discerning of spirits in order to recognize the devil's judgment and oppression of the very people for whom Jesus Christ died.(James 1:27: Isaiah 1:17; Ezekiel 22:2; Acts 10:38) It does not hide in unbelievers.  It hides in religious and political people who have gained power over people and thus find it easy to use ineffective old religious laws with which to judge people, the very laws which Jesus Himself never used to judge anyone. (John 8:15)  When you can discern the evil spirits who are motivating people, you can easily forgive the people  because you know the guilty parties are the demons who are motivating the people.   (Psalm 82:3)
    You are regularly called by My discerning of spirits to recognize the judgment and oppression from religious and political demons are the same as the ones who judged, persecuted and oppressed Jesus Christ and all of His followers. They used national religious and political laws with which to judge people, contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ who forgave all sins.
    Every one of My gifts of the Holy Spirit are given by Me to teach you about My kingdom of God in which there is no judgment for people, only judgment for the devil and his demons who are the originator of all sins. (John 5:22)
    Your Father of Love

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