Thursday, April 2, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    When Jesus Christ, your Savior and Lord, gave the instruction in one of His lectures that you must be perfect even as I am perfect, He was not giving an instruction that is impossible to attain. (Matthew 5:48) He knew that it is only with the power of My Holy Spirit making you a new creation that gives you the power of My love inside of you which creates unconditional love in you for all of humanity and for Me. Because My character and the character of My Holy Spirit is love, when you are created by Love you have the ability within your own inner being to have unconditional love for everyone. (John 17:23)  Even though you become a new loving creation in your human spirit, the problem is the programming in your human mind which had previously programmed you into being a creature of judgment, hatred and pride. (John 3:6-8) However, after you were born again of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, My presence inside of you is constantly endeavoring to reprogram your human mind into also being love instead of your persisting in having the devil's character, as in your precious actions.  Thus, the devil's programming in your fleshly mind wars against My Holy Spirit's character that is present in your own inner being.  (Galatians 5:17) When you meet someone who has different religious or political motivations than you have, or when someone injures you emotionally or physically, you immediately want to strike back with the devil's programming in your mind instead of reacting in the loving programming in your inner being that comes from the Holy Spirit. 
     Before you were born of My Holy Spirit and baptized in My Holy Spirit, your natural inclination was to strike back with anger, hatred, disgust and judging the opposing person.  After you become a new creation by the power of My Holy Spirit, you are inspired to react in love instead of reacting with the devil's characteristics.  You have a choice at that moment and My wish is that you become perfect in choosing to react in unconditional love.  My reason for encouraging you to make the important choice of reacting in love is that spreading love in a trying situation will cause the devil to have to flee from the situation because love always wins over evil. (Matthew 5:20-26; Matthew 5:33-48)
   Another important spiritual fact as taught by Jesus Christ is that if you do choose to yield to the devil's prior negative programming in your mind, you amplify the devil's power in the earth because you have bound yourself to the devil and you assist him with flooding the earth with his evil demons.  (Matthew 16:19; Matthew 18:18)Because you have reacted in anger instead of love, the opposing person becomes more angry and his opposition to you becomes stronger.  You become like Adam, allowing evil to take over your life and multiply its power in the earth.  I am grieved for you in your making that decision because it keeps me from flooding your life with My good and great gifts because you have chosen to bind yourself to the devil's evil instead of binding yourself to My goodness and love.
     Evil actions and reactions from you beget the devil's evil curses in your life on earth; loving actions and reactions from you beget My kind and good blessings in your life on earth.
     I never choose to rain destructive curses upon you.  It's your own choices of choosing the devil's evil actions and reactions instead of your choosing My loving actions and reactions which invite destructive events in your life.  My loving reactions defeat evil, but angry, judgmental reactions multiply evil in the world and in your life on earth.  (Deuteronomy 28;45)
     My blessings and rewards for you when love is perfected in you for all people is that the windows of heaven are opened and My blessings and rewards overtake you because I am Love. (Deuteronomy 28:2 and15)
     Jesus Christ made it clear when He said that the thief, who is the devil, comes to rob, kill and destroy, but that He, Jesus Christ, came so that you would have life more abundantly. (John 10:10)
     I gave the advice to you to become perfect in love for the benefit of all of My children, so that you would be united with Me and become blessed by Me instead of being united with evil and inherit destructive curses from him.
     Living in your earth is a battle between good and evil.  Choose good actions and reactions and live a life of blessings from Me; choose evil actions and reactions and you choose destruction from hell.
     Love overcomes a multitude of sins in other people.  (I Peter 4:8)
     Your Father of Perfect Love

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