Sunday, April 26, 2020


My Dear Precious Child,
    Adam and Eve did not recognize the voice of temptation as being evil when it came into their thoughts.  The devil disguises himself as being good and even mischaracterizes My warnings to you as being merely cautions from Me to you for the purpose of your remaining ignorant of spiritual things so that you will not be as intelligent as Me.(Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:1-7) The devil knows just what to use in your specific thoughts in order to deceive you.  The temptations have worked for so long for him in your earthly family's DNA all the way back to Adam that he doesn't even need to change them.  The devil even convinces some of My children that his temptations to sin are from Me. The temptations tell you that I caution you not to sin for the purpose of keeping you from knowing truth that makes you equal to Me.  That pride and rebellion is the reason that I cast the devil out of My heaven.(Isaiah 14:12-22)
    For the benefit of My children I sent My power of the Holy Spirit into them when My new covenant of the Holy Spirit came to earth to live inside of My children in order for Me to teach their human minds from the inside of them. When I gave to you My power I began to give individually to you and My other children My gift of the discerning of spirits. That means that through the tutorage of My Holy Spirit that I teach you to distinguish between good thoughts and evil thoughts.  I alert you to the truth that the evil thoughts come from the devil and the good thoughts come  from Me.  That gift of discerning to spirits must be received and heeded by you in order for you to exercise your authority over the demons who are in your world instead of your yielding to them ignorantly and willingly which causes their curses to flood into your life.  (I Corinthians 12:10)
    It is through My gift of the discerning of spirits that I first begin to teach My children the words of Jesus Christ which enable you to exercise My authority over the devil and his demons, first recognizing them in your own thoughts where they tempt you in your thoughts to return evil for evil done to you by requiring an eye for an eye or tooth for a tooth.  That furthers the devil's will in the earth.  I teach you to return good for evil which causes you to triumph over evil 
    The Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ's discerning of spirits also tells you that the devil tempts you in your thoughts to display your prayers and your giving of alms in front of people in order to appear spiritual in the eyes of people.  Jesus told you, and My Holy Spirit mirrors His truth, that when you pray and give to other people in secret that I will reward you openly; but if you pray long prayers and make a production of giving your alms to the poor, that you get your reward already which is the admiration of people.  You will have no reward from Me because that was not your motivation.
    My Spirit through Jesus' teachings also admonishes you not to yield to the demons of lust for sex, money, power or human greatness.  My Holy Spirit will teach you that those temptations come from the demon of pride that entices you to desire to become the greatest of anything in order to be lord over the wills other people.  My Holy Spirit's discerning of spirits uses My guidance to tell you to be humble and to become a servant of everyone so that My grace that I extend to you will cause you to extend My grace and favor to everyone.
    My Spirit's discernment of spirits also teaches you through the words of Jesus Christ not to judge people for their sins because you, yourself, also yield to the devil's temptations and sin.  My Spirit will teach you by the words of Jesus that judging other people makes you a hypocrite like the religious and political leaders whom Jesus said will not enter into My kingdom of heaven in their lives on earth. 
    My Spirit of discernment of spirits teaches you that the devil also tempts you to hate your enemies in order for you to further the devil's will in the earth. When you  hate anyone you contribute to the devil continuing to be the prince of the world by your yielding to the devil's temptation to further his poisonous hate in the world.
    All of those activities were revealed by Jesus Christ in His first teachings as being evil temptations to which you must not yield.  All of them tempt you to do evil deeds from hell instead of your doing My good activities in the earth that come from your yielding to My guidance.  My Holy Spirit teaches you in the discerning of spirits that the demons from hell tempt you to engage in their activities in order for you to further the devil's will in the earth instead of your doing what Jesus said to do which furthers My will of flooding My goodness in your life on earth. (Matthew 5:20-48; Matthew 6:1-21; Matthew 7:1-5)
    Listen to My voice of discerning of spirits so that you recognize the devil's temptations which will curse your life if you obey him.  Through My Holy Spirit's voice of discerning of spirits, My voice in your thoughts entices you to do My acts of goodness, kindness, love, peace, joy, mercy and patience toward everyone in your life.  Obey My words which will bring My heaven into your life on earth with all of My blessings and rewards. (Hebrews 3:7-19; John 3:16-17)
    Your Tutoring Father

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