Monday, April 6, 2020

My Dear Precious Child,
    The fruit of My Holy Spirit with which My children have less desire to incorporate into their lives on earth is My personal characteristic of patience.  Patience has the connotation of having to wait for something and My children are not programmed to wait for anything.  Waiting for prayers to be answered is often painful and accompanied by much agony because the flesh of My children does not tolerate suffering very well. When My children are waiting for their prayers to be answered, there is often an enormous amount of wailing, fretting and worrying on their part because of their fleshly tendency of wanting to escape from the agony of waiting for the answer to their prayers.  However, I said that it is with faith and patience that My children inherit My promises. (Hebrews 6:12)
   Jesus Christ told His disciples and His followers to let patience possess their souls.  (Luke 21:19) That means that when you are in agony waiting for the answers to your prayers that you must bring forth My patience from My Holy Spirit, who lives inside of you, and let it replace the worrying, fretting and impatience.   He also said that the good ground, of which you have heard many teachings, are My children who, with an honest and good heart, having heard My words will keep My words; and because of that they will bring forth My character with patience. (Luke 9:15) 
   My Holy Spirit wrote through Paul that if you will proceed with glory while in the devil's tribulation, that the tribulation will work patience in you for future events when you are waiting for prayers to be answered. (Romans 5:3)  He wrote that there is a caveat, that being that you need to have patience because after you have DONE MY WILL that you will receive My promise. (Hebrews 10:36)
   My most promising words through the Holy Spirit is that if you will allow patience to have her perfect work in you, as in possessing your mind, that you will be perfect and entire, wanting for nothing.  (James 1:4)  That is a promise worth remembering, that if you will be patient that the time will come that there will be nothing for which you desire, want or pray that will not be granted.  James told you to be mindful of the old prophets who suffered affliction as excellent examples of patience. 
   I reminded you that I was patient with the Israelites who tried My patience over and over and over in the wilderness.  You must also think about My patience with you when you were walking in the flesh and you also refused My guidance over and over again, remembering that when you are doing My will that you will obtain the promises that I made to you for the abundant life.
   While you are waiting for the answers to prayers, make sure that you have not succumbed to a spirit of unbelief from the devil which sets up a boundary between you and Me so that the gates to your life are closed off from My answers to your prayers.  (Isaiah 59:1-4) It is with faith and patience that you will inherit all of My promises, blessings and rewards. 
    Remember to let patience have her perfect work in you so that you will be perfect and complete, wanting nothing.  (James 1:4)
    Your Patient Father

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